Humphrey pt3

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Aubrey looked over to the blue computer and grinned, “Hey, guys! This one says it is easy. We should do this one next.”

“Yeah, we accidentally did a hard one. Glad we did it without blowing up though…” Hero sighed.

“So easy it is!” Kel pressed the button, having the bomb lower back into the ground. When it rose again, this time it had nine blue pads on the ground, each glowing a light blue. The teleportation pads below let out a beep and a blue one turned on.

The group climbed down and stepped on the pad, teleporting them into a lab filled with Humphrey’s. Each Humphrey was doing their own thing.

Yay, how much she enjoyed Humphrey’s.

Yes, that was sarcasm, thanks for asking.

Continuing forward there was a Humphrey in a lab coat, messing around with a blue computer like the one that started this puzzle, and peering through a glass window with a sign with the number one on it.

Omori walked over to him and tapped his head, pulling him out of his mind, “Hm? Oh! Welcome visitors! Would you like to see something cool?”

Omori shook his head yes.

“Excellent! This machine here can perform remote teleportation!” Humphrey proudly grinned, “With the power of modern technology, I can send this sprout mole to the other side of the grid! Take a look!”

Aubrey looked through the glass and noticed how the teleportation pads were in a familiar order. Three in a row with three columns.

She sees what she needs to remember now. If she is right then-

The sprout mole didn’t make it to the other side and instead landed on the first teleportation pad on the second row.

If she pictured this as a keypad then that should mean the mole landed on number four.

Yeah, this was going to be easy!

“What the-! An error!? Someone must have messed with the program,” Humphrey sighed, “Probably Molly again. She always pulls stunts like this…”

The group moved forward before running into the same scene as last time, the only difference being what is behind the glass and the giant two.

“Hello, there visitors! I’ve been leading an experiment on the Humphrey-through-Humphrey movement! You have come just in time for our final test!” The Humphrey in the lab coat wiggled excitedly before somehow pressing a few buttons on the computer.

He moved forward past the glass and stood in front of other Humphrey’s, “Are you ready, gang? Let’s do what we practiced!”

The Humphrey’s nodded and proceeded to jump on a missing tile, disappearing into the ground before only one rising up in the eighth spot on the mental keypad.

“So has anyone caught on what we need to do yet or…” Kel nervously spoke up, not getting what they are meant to do.

“Don’t worry. Pretty sure me and Omori know what to do. We just need to find more pieces of the puzzle.” Aubrey sighed as she looked towards Omori.

He nodded, confirming he knows what to do as well.

“I understand it as well. Four and eight on the pad by now, right?” Hero asked, getting a nod from Omori and Aubrey.

“What do you- OH! Now I get it!” Kel grinned.

“You were able to solve the hard one but didn’t understand the easy one…” Aubrey sighed and shook her head.

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