Bathroom break

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Inside of Basil’s place looked the same as Kel remembered. Plants on the shelves and everything seemed brighter as if the area emitted peaceful vibes for anyone who saw it. Today however it felt off. Like something was wrong. It could be what happened with Sunny earlier getting on his nerves but it felt like he was being watched by something behind him.

When he checked, however, nothing was there.

“Please, make yourself comfortable!” Polly greeted warmly, “I’ll go ahead and finish dinner!”

“It has been a while since I have last been here, you definitely have more plants than you used to…” Kel tried to make small talk.

“Ah, yeah. I like them a lot. I still have some from when you guys used to come here daily.” Basil nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

“Wow, you sure are dedicated to them!” Kel praised. Sunny nodded in agreement.

“Hey, if it isn’t too much to ask, can we look through the photo album?” Kel asked nicely.

“U-uh, I mean- I don’t know...” Basil began to twiddle his fingers.

“Come on, please?” Kel asked again.

“Umm, sure…okay then…” Basil slowly approached before sitting down next to Kel.

Sunny followed Basil and sat down next to him.

“Alright! Let’s take a look!” Kel opened the album revealing the first page.

The first page was missing some photos, though still, some had remained. The rest was probably taken by Aubrey by the surprise of no one. Oh well, they can get the rest another day. For now, it was photo time!

There was a photo from when Sunny had first gotten his violin, oh man does Kel remember that day well. Sunny looked so surprised to see it! The way he played his first few notes and rang out a simple yet well-done melody would never leave Kel’s mind.

There was also a photo of him wearing multiple party hats on his face. Kel began to chuckle at what Basil wrote about him wearing so many. He will admit that the marks on his face afterward sort of hurt but it was worth it for all the laughs it caused.

Then there was a photo of Sunny on his GameBoy. Kel doesn’t remember what game Sunny was playing at the time, unfortunately, though he did agree with the dialog Basil wrote next to the photo on how Sunny was always great to vent to. Now that he thinks about it, he doesn’t remember Sunny ever venting to anyone about his problems.

Remembering the scene in the park, maybe Kel should offer later.

On the next page there was a photo of Kel and Hero's arm wrestling and then immediately a photo of him losing.

“You know, I could probably beat Hero now that I am stronger!” Kel boasted.

Sunny and Basil both glanced at each other before looking back at Kel.

“Hey! What are those looks meant to mean?” Kel asked accusingly.

Basil let out a small chuckle at that and Sunny just looked away.

The next photo was Hero trying to kiss Kel to try and make him feel better about the loss. Kel laughed at that. At the time he was pissed off and didn’t want to be hugged as you can easily tell by looking at the said photo. Kel right now though thinks that past him being petty was honestly kinda funny.

The next photo was of Sunny and Basil reading a book together in a tent. This was from the day they decided to camp together at the hangout area! Kel remembered that the burgers Hero made that day was so delicious! What a lovely time it was.

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