Otherworld Pt3

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The group jumped off the cheese and onto the ground, proceeding to check the area before following where the mole went. Up ahead they were able to spot it wearing a bow and digging through the trash.

“OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH~!!!” The mole suddenly laughed, “At long last, I have finally found it!”

The mole jumped backward, holding what looked like a mixtape in their mouth, “After countless hours of digging and digging, I finally found the one-of-a-kind, ultra-exclusive, Special Mixtape!” The mole bragged, somehow speaking clearly with the tape in its mouth.

“Hold on, isn’t that what we are looking for?” Aubrey asked Hero quietly.

“Yep.” Hero nodded.

“Every Sweetheart fan shall know my name! Rosa! The sprout mole who has the legendary Sweetheart merch!” The mole showed off to no one.

Hero cleared his throat loud enough for Rosa to hear, “Hello there m’lady, I see you have a Special Mixtape that belongs to one of our friends. May we please have it back?” Hero asked, using his charm.

“Hm, tempting, but I must say no. I, Rosa, found it first. As the number one Sweetheart fan, I must live up to my honor to have all the rare merch! Now good day!” Rosa ran off, leaving a trail of dust behind her.

“Alright, we tried the easy way, now it is time to GET HER-” Everyone began chasing Rosa as she threw out insults to them.


She began climbing on containers and jumping off them, running left and right to confuse the gang chasing her.

They were close a few times but Rosa always managed to slip through their grasp, taunting them as she did. “Hey, slowpokes! Race you out of the junkyard!” she laughed.

While running, Hero spots a Baking Pan in the trash. It looked clean and sturdy so Hero picked it up and switched it out with his Spatula.

While running after Rosa, who was far ahead at this point, a sudden block of junk fell into the group’s path scaring everyone. Including Mari who was sitting above on one of the containers, “Are you guys okay down there?” She yelled.

Kel was wondering how she got up there but decided it is best not to question it anymore, “We’re good!”

She gave the group a thumbs up before looking behind her, “I have some more chicken if you want some!”

She grabbed a leg and threw it down at Omori who caught it with ease. He then proceeded to start eating it.

“Thanks but I am good!” Hero yelled up.

Kel and Aubrey both nodded in agreement with Hero as Mari smiled, “Alright! Have fun!”

Aubrey whipped out her doll and smashed the block into pieces yet again, allowing the group to continue moving forward.

Finally, they made it to a room filled with glitched out and frozen television screens. Rosa was standing behind a black and yellow line that is meant to warn people of a hazard. The group ignores it as they move forward still.

“Rosa! We finally caught up! Who is the slowpoke now?” Kel asked as he readied his stance while he watched the sprout mole stay completely motionless.

“Hand over the mixtape and I won’t beat you up for making me run like that.” Aubrey sighed as she readied her doll.

Rosa stayed motionless, almost like she was one of the frozen screens on the computer.

“...Guys, I think something is off. She isn’t moving at all.” Hero muttered, a bad feeling crawling on his back.

The group moved past the black and yellow line, suddenly stopping as a computer message appeared in the sky.

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