Last Resort pt3

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Everyone minus Omori was absolutely terrified. If Hero wasn’t concerned for Sunny before he definitely is now. He definitely needs to talk to Sunny later.

He turned to face Kel and Aubrey whose faces were just covered in pure fear. Aubrey looks like she wanted to scream and poor Kel looked like he wanted to cry. Of course, he also felt like his heart was going to beat out of his chest from the fear of what just happened but right now Kel and Aubrey were more important. Hero walked to the two and hugged them tightly. He hated seeing them like this.

They both immediately broke down as Omori watched them. Omori...Hero couldn’t tell how Omori felt after witnessing that. This whole time actually it has been confusing to see Omori barely show any expression unless it was in battle while Sunny is shy and anxious around them in the real world. It was as if Omori was completely dead inside and Sunny was in a constant state of panic as if they were different people.

Did Omori know everything was just a dream so he doesn’t panic? Or was he perhaps used to the horrifying sights in Sunny’s mind?

Hero didn’t know but the second thought terrified him the most.

Just how many horrible things does Sunny mind come up with for this to be normal for him?

It took a while but eventually, Aubrey and Kel were able to calm down after what happened, though Hero’s shirt was now covered in tears he didn’t mind at all.

Omori tapped his foot as he waited for Aubrey and Kel to get ready to continue exploring. Once they were ready he opened the door and they stepped out of the room. Hero felt like the doll was watching them but was too scared to turn around. The moment the door shut he let out a sigh of relief.

Entering the other room nearby, the group silently prayed nothing else terrible was going to happen to them.

Luckily the gods decided to give them a break because the room they were now in had a boy with headphones chilling on the bed and the bed next to him had a blue keycard.

Hero picked up the keycard and smiled to himself before turning to the boy, “Hello, have you happened to see anyone named Basil around?” he asked politely.

“Huh? Oh, no. Sorry, I think I have heard the name before but I don’t remember seeing him. Sorry.” The boy spoke.

Once again, someone who has heard the name but hasn’t seen him.

“It’s okay! Thank you for the help!” Hero gave a small smile as he walked out of the room with the others.

“Well we got the card, think we can go see the boss now?” Aubrey asked impatiently, already wishing to wake up.

“What about the other floors?” Kel turned towards her, “There might be more fuzzies for Omori to collect!”

Omori’s eyes lit up at that. Seemed like he agreed with Kel.

Hero was honestly more with Aubrey though, he wishes to just barge out of this area already and comfort Sunny.

However, the thought that the fuzzies were important didn’t leave his mind. He sighed as he made his decision, “Alright but only because I think that the fuzzies could be important later.”

Kel grinned and looked at Omori who gave a small thumbs-up back. Aubrey on the other hand seemed pissed at the decision but eventually gave in.

They walked back to the elevator where Mari waited with a smile, “Hello everyone! Any luck yet with the search?”

“Unfortunately no. We’re still looking. We are going to check the other floors before confronting the boss.” Hero stated.

“Ah! That seems like a good idea! You never know if he is on one of these floors!” Mari grinned as Omori pressed a button leading them to the next floor.

They stepped off the elevator and began exploring the third floor. Opening one of the doors they peeked inside and- “Hi kids! Did you come back to buy some Life Jam?”

Hero, Kel, and Aubrey immediately cringed as Omori took out some clams and handed them to the mascot. In return, he was given 5 full jars of jam. They left that room as soon as possible.

The next room held a lamb and a wolf. The lamb seemed to be muttering complaints about how this place was awful while the wolf looked to be calming her down. “Listen, I know how you dislike this place but I honestly think it is neat!”

“This place has a haunted pool out front! Plus there is no room service to bring the food to us. Luxury was a lie!” The lamb continued to complain.

The pool outside was haunted?

“The pool outside is haunted? Cool! We should check that out!” Kel grinned.

“Later.” Hero stated firmly. No one spoke up to argue with that.

They went back to the elevator and up another floor but this one looked different than the others. It was musty and dirty with wood and boxes all over the place. Construction workers filled the area as they were hard at work.

“Maybe we shouldn’t check this floor…” Hero muttered.

“You never know where a fuzzy is though! We did find one in the toilet, remember?” Kel reminded Hero.

“Fine. If anything seems unsafe though we’re going back to the elevator.” Hero sighed as Kel did a little fist pump.

It wasn’t hard to see what Kel was doing. It clearly wasn’t just the fuzzes he wanted to search for. With Kel, he wants to forget what happened earlier by trying to have a good time. Hero can understand Kel’s thought progress but he really wished he didn’t have to walk through a construction zone.

Oh well, they should at least continue looking around.

Stepping into one of the rooms they found a lone ball pit. It was eerie and smelled like urine. Disgusting.

They immediately left that room and entered another. The new room contained a floating mustache ghost who was seemingly lost, looking around as if he was missing something.

“Hey, I thought the pool outside was haunted. Not the building.” Aubrey stated aloud, gaining the ghost’s attention.

“Outside you say? Well, I must be in the wrong place! Thank you for informing me, madam!” The ghost bowed and vanished into the air.

“Huh, wonder what that was about…” Hero muttered, shaking his head as he focused on the giant hole in the wall.

“Oooo! What’s behind here!” Kel smiled as he walked into it.

“Kel! Be careful!” Hero yelled after him, following behind with the rest.

They were now outside, their ears filled with the sound of construction workers at work and the smell of wood in their noses.

There was a ladder that led up to Mari who had a peaceful picnic set up for the group. When she spotted them she smiled and waved as Hero internally groaned. Why must the universe torture him like this?

“Hello everyone! How is everything?” She asked.

“My legs are tired…” Aubrey grumbled as she reluctantly sat down.

“Oh, dear! Would you like a sandwich?” She asked as she pulled out a...of course, it was a hero sandwich. He should stop hatting on the universe, clearly, it didn’t like him.

“Would you like some as well, Hero? It’s your favorite~!” She laughed.

“Y-yeah, i’ll take some.” Hero nodded as she handed him a sandwich.

He took a bite and immediately had to hold back tears. He shifted his attention to Omori who seemed to be watching him with interest. As if he wanted to see what Hero would do now that he was in this situation.

He didn’t know whether it bothered him or not.

He finished the sandwich and brushed the crumbs off his clothes. He forced a smile on his face as he looked at Mari. Mari smiled back and Hero only felt pain.

“You guys should probably get going! Basil won’t find himself!” She chuckled.

“Yeah, let’s get going….”

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