Otherworld Pt1

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The ladder leading up to Otherworld was long. Omori stood at the base of the ladder, still as a rock. “Come on Omori, it ain’t going to be that bad!” Kel tried to convince the boy to climb.

Omori seemed to snap out of whatever daze he was in and grabbed the ladder handles, slowly beginning to move upwards. Everyone else hopped on and began climbing as well, slowly but surely they were making their way up.

Kel felt like something fell out of his pocket but he didn’t know what. Aubrey on the other hand did, “OW! WHAT WAS THAT A ROCK?”

“Oh, I think that is what fell out of my pocket. Oh well…” Kel sighed, though he did find it funny that it whacked her head.

"Watch over your stuff better! Gee..." Aubrey grumbled.

Hero let out a sigh as he quickly dodged the rock as it fell. Was it just him or did it have a face? Eh, probably doesn't matter.

Omori started to climb a bit faster and everyone else sped up as well, finally making it to Otherworld. “Oh, this place seems pretty.” Hero admired the area.

“I hope by pretty you mean pretty stinky, this place smells!” Aubrey complained, covering her nose.

Omori didn’t speak, he only walked forward as the rest followed behind. Otherworld was pretty despite the awful smell. Mari was somehow already setting up a second picnic before noticing the others, “Oh hey guys! Welcome to Otherworld! An unofficial pitstop for space travelers and a popular camping ground!”

“Who would wanna camp here! It smells!” Aubrey complained.

“Yeah, that might be the nearby junkyard, despite it, people like it here!” Mari grinned, “If you learn how to block out the smell you could instead pick up on the campfire people have going.”

“So space travelers are here? Oooh, do you mean like space pirates?” Kel couldn’t help but ask. If he could become a space pirate in his dream then that might just make his night.

“Kel, did you manage to forget about Basil?” Hero sighed, “We need to find him, remember?”

“Oh yeah, hehe….” Kel nervously rubbed the back of his head. Whoops, he completely forgot. Maybe he could hang out with Basil in the morning to make up for it.

“Gee Kel, come on, let’s look around.” Aubrey sighed.

Omori began to walk around the area, taking a quick stop in front of a floating mirror again. This time, instead of simply smiling behind him they did stupid poses to see if they could make Omori’s face change. It didn’t work as Omori simply walked away from them.

They ran to catch up with him to see a weird man(???) that almost looked like a planet behind a tree. Omori took a few steps near it before the planet man noticed him.

The planet turned around with an intimidating face and a battle began. Omori whipped out his knife and swung at the planet.

“That was pathetic!” The planet yelled before throwing a right chop into Omori’s face. Aubrey ran up next and slammed the planet with her doll but it barely seemed to phase him, “You are weak as well!” He chopped her away as well.

Hero was next in line as he aimed for the legs with his spatula. “Clever, however, you will not knock me down!” The planet punted Hero right into Omori.

Finally, Kel was last, he threw his ball though the planet dodged out of the way last minute, “Hm, a long-range attack? You got a pretty good throw, it is a shame that-”


The ball bounced off the wall behind the planet and came back at full force. “Damn it! That might have made a new crater!” he groaned, seemingly angry at the group now.

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