Party at the Hideout!

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Running through the trees at night was really difficult. Hero has almost tripped about five times yet he kept moving. He could hear some sort of shouting yet he couldn’t understand it. The closer he got the more panicked and angry did the sounds get. He moved faster.

That is when he saw it.

Sunny and Basil were there together.

However, Sunny was laying on the dock. Black tendrils were reaching him yet failing to grab him. Basil stood nearby, motionless.

At first, Hero thought Basil would try to help him.

Then he saw him raise the shears over his head, hovering over Sunny.

Hero ran forward, not even trying to question what Basil was going to do. He knew Basil was aiming for blood.

He let out a yell and charged straight at him.

“My best friend...are you scared?”

The fake asked.

Sunny nodded. Of course, he was. Why wouldn’t he be?

The darkness felt like it was growing on them. Something’s presence was right behind Sunny. He didn’t turn around though.

He was too scared.

Not Basil was holding something. It shone in the moonlight and Sunny felt his heart stop when his eyes landed on it.

It was Basil’s shears.

Not Basil’s face had an unfitting smile on it.

“You left me...for four years. Do you think you are above consequences? That you can hide away and never face the truth? You’re a coward, Sunny.”

Sunny took a few steps back, knocking into Something who gleefully reminded him of its existence by forcing him forward.

Not Basil’s grin looked fake, as if someone held up a drawing of a smile over his mouth.

“You’re cruel, Sunny. Something ruined our lives using you. Instead of admitting it and facing Something head on you left it to grow stronger and stronger using your body. If I rid of you I rid of Something. We win.”

Sunny felt time stopped as Not Basil twirled the shears in his hands.

“I have to kill you, Sunny. No hard feelings, okay?”

Sunny tried to run but Something blocked him.

Sunny tried to scream but Something held onto his voice, forcing him to let out soundless pleas.

Not Basil was trying to stop him, trying to make Sunny face him head-on.

Though Sunny was trying to keep his distance from Not Basil, that was becoming increasingly difficult when Something was preventing him from running. Not Basil looked pissed at Sunny’s movements.

The worst part of it all had to be that he backed Sunny onto the dock. Something’s tendrils were coming out of the lake, trying to grab at his ankles to drag him into the deeps.

“Sunny, my best friend. Relax. Everything will be over soon.”

His voice was sickening.

Venom was crawling through his body, shaking him to his core. Sunny was terrified.

Not Basil held his shears in the sky, looking down at Sunny with bloodlust in his eyes.

“People like us don’t deserve to live. Goodbye, Sunny.”

A scream.

It didn’t come from Sunny nor Basil.

It came from Hero, who was charging directly at Basil.

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