Do you think this is the right choice?

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“I-I can’t believe you hid this from us for so long! How could you!” The TV show they were watching was...something in Hero’s opinion.

“Gee, this show is shit. Like, how does a little group of people simply get away with this? You would think that the police would have found them by now.” Aubrey complained.

"Yeah, especially since each of them has a feature that stands out a bit too much." Hero agreed with her.

“Eh, I mean, it isn’t that bad. I like the dude with a TV for a head. He seems nice.” Kel pointed to the character.

“You just like him because he acts like you. Stop self projecting on fictional characters and get a life.” Aubrey laughed.

“Uh, first off rude,” Kel stuck out his tongue, “ Secondly, I don’t remember asking for your opinion.”

“Guys, can we not fight over this? I just wanna watch the show.” Hero muttered.

“Boo, you're boring. I bet you only like the main character.” Kel chuckled.

“H-Hey! He’s cool!” Hero tried to defend himself.

“No, no he isn’t. That vampire lady is though.” Aubrey pointed to her as she said some dramatic line about how she needed to hide the fact she was a vampire.

“Hey, Sunny. Who do you like?” Kel asked the boy who looked like he was just about to pass out.

“H-Huh? Uh, I guess the dude with the gun?” He squinted at the screen.

“A lot of them have guns, Sunny, gonna need to be more specific.” Aubrey rolled her eyes.

“Uh...I wasn’t paying attention.” Sunny admitted.

Everyone sighed at that. Classic Sunny.

The show finally ended and Sunny was fast asleep, his soft snores covered by the TV commercials.

“...What now?” Aubrey asked.

“I...I don’t know.” Hero sighed.

The only reason they were watching the show in the first place was so they didn’t fall asleep. None of them wanted to enter the dream world again but what else was there to do?

Hero looked over to the resting Sunny and gave him a soft smile. He wondered what was happening since he wasn’t in his head yet. He hoped he was sorting things out with Omori, or anything else that could be in there.

“Alright, ima go pee and then we can sleep. If we’re gonna suffer in Sunny’s dream world then we are gonna suffer together! Or who knows, maybe we can kick Omori's ass for revenge.” Kel grinned.

Hero sighed, "You guys do know there is a slight chance that Sunny would be controlling him, right?"

"And? Sunny hates Omori as well for what he did to us and Basil. He wouldn't mind if we kicked his ass." Kel stated.

"I're right." Hero gave up.

He just hoped Sunny wouldn't mind.

“Hell yeah! I call punching Omori first!” Aubrey laughed.

Kel looked at her with fake shock, “Aw, come on! I wanted to do that!”

“I think if anyone has the right to do that, it’s Sunny.” Hero spoke up.

“Eh, you’re right. I’ll ask if I can punch him next.” Aubrey sighed.

“Alright, I’ll be right back!” Kel got up off the floor and ran to the bathroom as Aubrey turned off the TV.

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