Visit and Call

802 31 37

Kel woke up and practically fell out of bed landing face-first on the ground.

Once again he was thrown back into that dream world.

He laid on the floor a bit, scared that if he closed his eyes he would be forced on another journey.

Don’t forget. It’s in the toy box.

Hero and Kel never had a toy box...did they? Honestly, he didn’t know. His memory never was Grade A unless it was something important.

Kel grabbed his phone and sent a text to Hero.


Orange-Joe-Lover: Did we ever own a toy box?

NumberOneHero: No. We normally kept our things at Sunny’s place.

NumberOneHero: By the way, did you have a weird dream last night?


Kel should have seen this coming. Of course, all their dreams were connected after all. He managed to find that out in the library though his first clue did come from the lost forest. Might as well tell Hero the truth.


Orange-Joe-Lover: Yeah. Let me guess, Sweetheart’s castle?

NumberOneHero: Oh, so I ain’t going insane. Did you talk to anyone else or…?

Orange-Joe-Lover: Didn’t talk to anyone yet. I should probably check on Sunny.

NumberOneHero: Alright. Stay safe. Before I go, do you think I can have Basil’s number? I have a plan.

Orange-Joe-Lover: Sure dude, I only have his house phone one though.

NumberOneHero: It will do. Have fun with Sunny, okay?


Speaking of Sunny, Kel wanted to bash his head into the nearest wall. How didn’t Kel notice that Sunny hated the violin? Was he really that blind? Normally he can tell how Sunny feels about anything in an instant! Stupid Kel could have saved some trouble if you weren’t so blind!

He mentally berated himself for never noticing. Well, he supposed there was one thing he could do, and that was making sure Sunny had a fun time hanging with him!

First things first however were that Kel needed to get him. Then, maybe afterward, he can check on Basil.

He pushed himself off the floor with his plan in mind. Dusting himself off as he ran downstairs and out the door. He didn’t feel like eating breakfast that morning so he just walked over to Sunny’s house with a grin on his face.

He raised his hand to knock on the door when he heard footsteps approaching from behind him.

“Hey, move it,” Aubrey spoke up, causing Kel to turn around.

“A-Aubrey? What are you doing here?” Kel asked.

“I am here to check up on Sunny, what else moron?” Aubrey groaned.

“Oh! I assume because of-” “Obviously because we all had the same dream.” Aubrey cut him off.

“Okay, hold on then.” Kel turned back to the door and began knocking loudly, “HEY SUNNY! OPEN UP! WE WANNA TALK!”


Basil woke up and nearly jumped out of bed. He can’t close his eyes, not again. Each time he blinks he remembers another death. His eyes landed on his gardening shears. Maybe it was time-


He curled up onto the floor as tears stung his eyes, it wasn’t time. He told himself that but when will it be? He covered his ears trying to block out the voices whispering to him. He ripped his eyes away from his gardening shears and-

Your fault. You did this. You ruined their lives.

He began telling himself those disgusting words as he always does “Everything is going to be okay, everything is going to be okay, everything is going to be okay, everything is going-”

“Basil! Are you up? Someone called the house phone, they want to talk to you!” Polly’s voice entered his room from under the door.

“C-Coming!” Basil got up and stumbled to his bedroom door, wiping his face, he took a deep breath and tried to put on a normal face.

Opening his bedroom door he made his way into the living room where Polly greeted him with a smile on her face.

He shouldn’t see her smile. She should hate him. She wastes all her time on him trying to protect him-

‘Stop. Not now.’ He begged the voices in his head as he returned a not-very-good smile but convincing enough for Polly as she handed him the phone.

“Here you go! I’ll make breakfast.” Polly grinned as she walked into the kitchen.

Basil took in a deep breath as he put the phone to his ear, “Hello?”

“Hey Basil, it’s me, Hero. I finished packing my things and I'll be down in Faraway in an hour. Wanna help me unpack with Kel?” Hero’s voice rang through the phone.

No. He doesn’t deserve to see you again. He caused you nothing but pain, you should hate-

“Um, sure! I would be happy to help!” Basil made sure his voice sounded happy to be invited.

“Sweet! Thanks, dude, see you later.” Hero’s grin could be heard on the other side.

Basil let out a tiny sigh as he hung up.

Why did he agree to this?


“D̶͔͐o̸̘̓n̸̹̄'̸̦̀t̸͓̋ ̴͔͑g̶̪̕ǫ̵̂ ̴̳͠o̵̩̒u̸̮͝ṱ̸̿.̵̬ ̷̿͜T̷̨̏h̶͓̑ē̴̞y̸̭͝ ̸͚̂ẘ̶̘i̶̺͊l̸͍̃l̴͙̆ ̶̰̔f̴̦̌ḯ̸̳n̵͓̈́d̴̤̐ ̸͚̒o̸͈̕ṷ̷̏t̵̡͝.̷̦̄”

Find out what?

“T̷̨̈h̴̺̀ě̶̬ ̸̤̑ẗ̵̞́r̶̂͜u̵̘͂t̷̯̕h̶̻̊.̴͔͑:


His head hurt. It hurts a lot.

“S̴̝̉t̸̗̆a̸̗͒y̷̬͆.̶͚ ̶͔͑I̷̝͠t̴̘̄ ̸̘̅i̴̱̊s̶͓̓ ̷͖̾b̴̫͋e̵͈͋t̷͍́t̶͎̂ë̷̩́r̸̥̅ ̷̢̅h̵̢̑ẹ̸͝r̴̥̉e̵̤.̸͘͜”

No...he wants to see his friends.

“SUNNY! COME OUT ALREADY!” Kel shouted through his door.

Sunny stood still. Should he?

“D̴̘ỏ̶͈n̶̲͗'̴͇͛t̴͈̉ ̷̘̈́d̶̻͐õ̶͔ ̸̜͌ī̷͓t̶̳͊.̸̥̒”

Sunny began to walk to the door as if he was on autopilot.

“D̴̈́ͅO̵̢̊N̴͕̕'̶͕͐T̷͎͆ ̵̦͌D̶̦͝O̸͙ ̸̡̾I̴̥̒T̴̟.̸͎͌”

He grabbed the door handle. It felt like it was burning his hand. He couldn’t let go.

“S̸̜͗ ̷̙͠Ṯ̸͆ ̵̭̈O̵̬̕ ̶̠̾P̵̢̄.̵̫͑”

He opened the door.

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