Sweetheart's Castle pt6

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They left the ballroom and met face to face with...Sir Maximux? Didn’t they kill that guy a while ago?

“Stop imposters! I know what you are and it isn’t sprout moles!” Same beginning line as well...did he come back from the dead? Ugh, how annoying.

“You must be wondering how I can tell! You see, I am the fabled son of the legendary warrior, Sir Maximux!” The mole let out a huff, “You may have killed my father but I am better than thine! With my lineage and father by my side, I shall reign victorious!”

Oh, so it is his son! Well, now she just feels bad for killing its father, even though it was in self-defense.

The mole readied its sword and ran at the group in full charge, managing to scratch Kel’s leg.

“Ow! Hey!” Kel yelped in pain.

Hero rushed forward and began trying to beat the mole with his Baking Pan as it was able to take most of his attacks head-on.

The mole simply attacked back, once again leaving scratches on everyone's legs.

Sun- she means- Omori ran towards the knight with a knife in-hand, rapidly slashing at it causing its armor to break. Kel was able to aim his ball perfectly at one of the cracks in the armor causing pieces to fall off.

“No! My defense!” The mole jumped back from Omori.

Aubrey rushed forward and thwacked the mole right in the area where most of the armor broke.

The mole landed on his feet and sighed, “Time for my special attack!”

The mole slashed around at everyone violently. This time instead of Hero becoming toast, it was Kel.

“Kel!” Hero yelled.

“Omori! Give me the jam! I’ll revive him!” Aubrey offered.

Omori nodded and threw the jam at Aubrey as he and Hero charged at the mole with anger in their eyes.

Aubrey quickly opened up the jam and used her finger to spread it on Kel. Luckily she didn’t need to use much of it before Kel appeared again.

“Ugh! I hate being toast!” Kel complained.

“Yeah, yeah,” Aubrey licked the rest of the jam off her finger, “Come on, we’re still in battle!”

Kel nodded and ran forward with Aubrey to rejoin the group, who were chasing down Maximus the Second. The poor knight looked tired as he turned around to stare at the group. The defeat was in his eyes as clear as day.

It was time to finish him off.

“Everyone! Go at once!” Hero yelled and everyone nodded in affirmation.

OMORI slashed at it!

Kel picked the mole up and threw it at Aubrey

Aubrey hit it! Home run!

Before it could land, Hero hit it from behind! Right in the heart!

Sir Maximus the Second didn’t stand a chance against them, thus disappearing leaving only his armor behind.

“Gee, we are really ending this dude's whole bloodline, aren’t we?” Kel jokingly asked.

“I mean- unless he had a kid, we should be fine.” Hero shrugged.

Once the group entered the lobby they all paused.

“Don’t we have one more place we need to go?” Kel asked.

“I mean- we could wait for the crowd to disperse.” Hero pointed to the crowd that convinced them to go another direction than that one.

“There could be something in Sweetheart’s chamber though we could use…” Aubrey pointed out.

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