Sweetheart's Castle pt4

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The gang walked up the stairs leading to the kitchen and walked in where the Sous Chef was waiting.

“Took you long enough! I almost died waiting for ya!” The mole complained.

“We literally followed you- you know what? Whatever…” Hero gave up trying to make sense of anything.

“Are you ready to start baking? Follow my instructions and we’ll make the best cake your eyes have ever seen!” The mole boasted.

The group turned towards Hero who just sighed, “Why me?” he asked.

“Cause you can cook.” Aubrey started with a shrug.

“And is actually good at it,” Kel added.

Hero groaned to himself as he walked forward, “Alright, let’s begin…”

The Sous Chef grinned, “Sweet! First, put the oven at 75 degrees!”

“7-75? ...It is a dream Hero, of course, recipes aren’t like this in the real world you can handle this….” He grumbled, walking to the oven and putting it at 75.

“Alright, next you want to mix our two main ingredients into a bowl! Those ingredients are flowers and ping pong balls!” The Sous Chef instructed.

Hero stopped moving and just sort of stared into space. Aubrey can only guess how loudly Hero was screaming in his own head. She has a feeling that this place plans on personally targeting him.

Biting his lip, Hero began to move forward with determination in his eyes. Probably wanting to show this sprout mole that even if the instructions make no sense at all, he can still make an awesome cake. Though when he looked at all the tables giving the most confused look Aubrey has ever seen on his face. There were no flowers nor ping pong balls on them.

He walked over to the flour realizing that maybe the mole misread it and grabbed it before looking around awkwardly again. What the hell did this mole mean by ping pong balls? His eyes lit up as he looked at the eggs and that is when Aubrey understood as well. The dude was misreading the ingredients and they were going to have to guess by how things look.

He managed to bring them to the bowl and mixed them with a proud grin on his face. Most likely proud of himself for figuring it out.

“You’re doing great! Next, come salt and cheese!” The mole praised happily.

“Salt…and cheese…” Hero sighed to himself. He didn’t see salt nor cheese while walking around so obviously, the mole just gave what he actually needed random names again.

He walked over to a bag labeled sugar realizing that it sort of looks like salt and picked it up and walked towards another table with butter on it thinking how that might be the cheese. He brought the ingredients over and put them in a different bowl.

“Alright! Last ingredient! Grab the sauce and cut it into pieces!” The mole happily tapped its feet.

“Sauce?” Aubrey could tell how much Hero wished to bash his head into one of the tables. She doesn’t blame him, though she is impressed with how Hero is able to find out the recipe.

That is until she realized that the oven is probably going to be preheated wrong. Poor Hero is going to feel disappointed in himself once he realizes that. Oh well, it would be funny to watch so there is that.

“Sauce….sauce….” Hero was making sure to look at all the ingredients on each table before his eyes landed on the strawberries. He picked them up and brought them to the cutting table, then realized he didn’t have a knife.

Omori, on the other hand, did have a knife. So Hero looked towards Omori who carefully handed Hero his knife.

“Thank you.” Hero quickly spoke before cutting the strawberries. After he finished cutting he made sure to give the knife back to his friend.

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