Sweetheart's Castle pt5

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They left the room Mari was in and went down another where two dressed-up sprout moles were talking.

“Sors de ma chambre ou j’appellerai les flics!” A mole in a butler suit shouted at a mole in a maid outfit. He seemed angry for some reason.

“Oh, Francois! I can’t understand a word you're saying but you are so dreamy!” The maid blushed, not catching on to the other mole's mood.

“Nice to know not every mole here wants to date Sweetheart…” Aubrey muttered. Also, wasn’t this Sunny’s dream? How does he know french?

Maybe he didn’t spend four years doing anything after all.

Hero suddenly looked like he was trying not to laugh which confused Aubrey until she remembered the high school in Faraway had a french class. She tugged on his shirt grabbing his attention, “What did the other mole say?” she asked.

“...” Hero leaned down to her height and whispered in her ear, “Get out of my room or I'll call the cops.”

“PFF-” Aubrey tried to hold back her laughter. This does feel like something Sunny would laugh at.

Omori looked at them before letting out a light sigh. He then walked out of the room with a highly confused Kel who doesn’t know why they are laughing. Aubrey and Hero followed behind, still slightly laughing at the poor mole's unfortunate situation.

They moved to the top of the hallway and found a black fuzz in a cage. Omori looked over to Aubrey almost immediately, asking her to break open the cage.

She nodded with slight hesitation and readied her bat. It was the least she could do after Omori calmed her down in the gallery, though she had to wonder if there was going to be another hole under this one. She hoped not, she doesn’t know how she would react to another room like the one she saw.

She smashed the cage open with ease and Omori gave her a thumbs up in approval. He grabbed the fuzz excitedly but then proceeded to look down in disappointment. Ah, not a good one.

“Guessing it wasn’t a good fuzz, wasn’t it Omori?” Kel asked curiously, saying what Aubrey was thinking.

Omori gave a short nod as Aubrey took note that there wasn’t a hole where the fuzz was. Maybe only good ones had the hole? Then why didn’t the others in the past have holes...this was confusing her, maybe they’ll get more answers sooner.

“Well, there is always next time Omori.” Hero stated, trying to lift his mood. Aubrey could tell by his voice he was wondering the same as her.

Omori gave a bigger nod at that.

“That’s the spirit! C’mon, we got more things to do!” Kel proudly brought up.

The group made their way out of the area walking back into the lobby. They walked downstairs and made their way to the right, walking down yet another long hallway.

“Why is this place so bigggg...” Kel groaned.

“To annoy you and specifically you.” Aubrey joked.

“Feels like it…” Kel actually agreed.

It honestly felt like they have been here for hours. She hopes she isn’t sleeping the whole day away, she promised Kim and the others that she would bring them to a neat spot only she knows about. (Well Kel, Basil, Hero, and Sunny know about it as well but they don’t count.)

They walked a bit ahead until they reached an area that had a pretty strange statue. Aubrey squints her eyes, realizing how familiar it looked until it hit her.

“Hey, isn’t that Pluto?!” She pointed to the ‘statue’.

Turns out it wasn’t a statue cause the moment Pluto was recognized he jumped through the roof.

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