Pyrefly Forest Pt2 Lost Forest

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As they made their way through the trees they noticed an unsupervised spiderweb. Omori didn’t seem to mind it so no one else cared as well. Walking past some more trees they spotted a cat, laying down and resting with its eyes closed. Nearby is a candle but there seemed to be no spiders around.

To Hero, the cat looked like Mewo. It was taking every inch in him not to run forward and pet it.

Aubrey gasped when she noticed the cat. “Yes! Cat!” she began to move towards it before Hero grabbed her.

“What if it is like the bunnies?” Hero asked.

“Then they would probably have cute little spider legs, nothing bad.” Kel shrugged.

Kel and Aubrey moved forward and Hero felt a sudden pit in his gut. The cat got up and revealed its long legs, having it tower over the group as it ran at them at a speed none of them could comprehend

Well, at least he doesn’t have to worry about the urge to pet the cat. Hero blacked out from shock.


Hero? Hero, do you hear me? Hero? Hero, I am sorry I never told you-

“Hero! Get up! Omori freed us!” Kel yelled at his older brother who slowly got up after passing out.

“I should have listened to you. Sorry.” Aubrey apologized.

“It’s fine…” Hero sighed, brushing off the leftover webs on him. Gross.

Omori began moving forward again, this time more slowly than before. He slipped past the first spider, lighting the candle. They stuck near the trees and managed to break another web and leave the area with the cat.

“Phew, that was close,” Kel muttered as they continued forward before Omori put his hand out to stop the others.

They were confused for a bit until they saw another cat sleeping nearby. There was, unfortunately, no way to get by it without getting close. Omori ran past, striking the match against the candle as the others followed behind.

They broke through another web and ran forward, hearing the slowed-down footsteps of the cat spiders from behind them. Guess that is what the candles do.

A third cat spider blocked the path and Hero began to wonder how many of them there were.

More webs, more cats, more candles. How fun this was becoming. That was until Omori broke a web and they all saw the shadow monster again. It looked at them and suddenly disappeared. It stood over a stump.


Hero felt like something wrapped around his neck and he slapped it, revealing itself only as a tiny spider. He quickly flicked it in Kel’s direction.

Speaking of Kel, Hero looked over to Kel’s face to see he had gone pale.

“Kel, are you alright?” Hero asked, mildly concerned.

“H-huh? Oh, yeah I am good. Just wasn’t expecting that.” Kel whispered the last part under his breath.

Now the group could go up if it wasn’t for Omori spotting a foggy path to the right of the stump, not that it wasn’t even foggy where they were now but the fog felt heavier there.

He and the others began walking down the path when sudden spiderwebs appeared in their way, almost like a warning sign to head back. Omori didn’t listen as he cut down the webs anyway, not allowing anything into his way.

At the top there was-

“BASIL!” Everyone minus Omori yelled at the same time.

The shadow Basil turned around and looked at them before walking into the trees, a smile on its face as it blended with the shadows.

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