Coral Branch

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“Who are you?” Kel asked.

“I am nothing but a stranger to most, so you can call me that. Stranger.” Stranger replied.

“...Why am I still here? Did Hero and Aubrey leave?” Kel asked, tilting his head.

“Yes, they did. You lost a battle. A very important one. They didn’t.” Stranger sighed.

“How did I lose?” Kel asked, worry in his voice. He felt something grab him and drag him. It took him a while to notice it was Stranger who was dragging him.

“You lost because most of your mental state was being used in trying to stay cheery. You were trying to mask how scared you were and that was what made you lose.” Stranger told him honestly.

...Oh, that made sense.

“I am hoping to bring you back. Right now they are dealing with the actual dream you.” Stranger sighed.

“Actual dream me?” Kel saw a mini light appear in the distance.

“Yes. That Kel and you are very different. You have really matured since Sunny last saw you.” Stranger turned to give him a small smile before continuing to walk.

Kel took a moment to process those words. He was right. Ever since Mari died and Hero had been...unresponsive for a while, he had tried to live normally. He wasn’t that good at it.

He sighed and allowed the stranger to guide him.


Kel wasn’t Kel.

Hero could tell almost immediately. It wasn’t just his memories that were changed.

This Kel carried himself differently and seemed happier. The aura around him was light as if he was twelve once again. He kept whispering to Omori about...something to do with Basil. Mainly questions on who Basil was and what he was like. Despite Omori never talking this Kel was able to hold on to the conversation quite well. Omori didn’t seem to mind though, in fact, he seemed to be a little happier with this Kel around than their actual Kel.

Hero doesn’t know if that should count as a red flag or not.

He also knows he isn’t the only one who realized this wasn’t Kel. Aubrey had the moment he teased her for dragging Mr.Plantegg on the floor. Saying “Man, for someone who cares for that doll you sure are allowing him to get dirty.”

She also looked like she was actively fighting the urge to fist-fight this Kel. Each time he lightly teases her.

Hero is now really hoping this doesn’t affect reality...he is also hoping that Kel is alright.

They have been traveling through whirlpools and listening to creatures speaking gibberish to themselves. Whispering each time Omori walks by as if they are gossiping about him.

Eventually, they found a cave that had a stream of water. Not deep enough to drown but deep enough to soak their pants. They walked down the stream, drawing of hands and waves being the only thing to see with the sound of rushing water nearby to ease their worries. They made their way to a fork in the stream to either continue forward or go up. Obviously, they went up.

A coral tree with a rushing waterfall behind it sat big and strong. A single swing attached to it with one of the Shadow Basil’s sitting on it. He swung lightly and when his eyes landed on the group he disappeared without a trace.

“A long time has passed since you ventured this far. Deeper layers of his world open up as the Dreamer grows more desperate. Even imagination is limited.” The coral spoke suddenly, the group feeling a shiver go down their spine.

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