The dungeon

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Turns out, leaving is as easy as could be. Mainly because they didn’t lock the door to their cell at all. Hero thinks that is probably because they are too small to reach the lock.

The unfortunate part though is how many moles were guarding the place. After knocking one that was right outside their cell out the group made their way forward.

“Hey, that looks like a button I could hit,” Kel muttered under his breath.

“Please don’t hit random buttons.” Hero warned. It was too late though as Kel threw a ball he had in his pocket right at the button.

The sound of something lowering could be heard to their left.

“That better be a good thing or I swear to god…” Aubrey grumbled.

They peeked around the corner to take a look, spotting an area where there used to be spikes being clear and a mole with an ax tapped to it.

“Pfff, look at that guy-” Kel whispered under his breath.

“Kel. Be quiet.” Aubrey shushed him.

Kel only rolled his eyes in response and headshot the mole with his ball. “There, no more mole. May we continue?”

A sigh rang out from the group as they continued ahead, seeing a flamingo near the door. The flamingo let out a squawk, “Up is a special hell for you, my dear!” It squawked again, “Signed, Sweetheart!”

“Lovely.” Hero deadpanned as Kel opened the gate.

“Kel!” Aubrey scolded, whacking him on the head.

“What did I do this time?” Kel asked.

Aubrey looked through the gateway, “You are lucky this doesn’t actually have enemies in it.”

Cardboard boxes were laying around with a jukebox on the floor next to a decorated mirror. For some reason, there was also dog food and a water bowl on the ground. A telescope was pointed to stars that were painted on the wall that for some reason smelled like melting plastic and a bookcase filled with astronomy books.

Astronomy huh…


“Look at the stars Sunny! Aren’t they so pretty?” Mari asked her younger brother who sat in awe under the stars.

Tonight Hero, Mari, Kel, and Sunny were in the hangout spot all by themselves. Aubrey and Basil had to sadly go home early.

“They’re...nice….” Sunny leaned into Mari who was giving him a side hug.

"You can say that again! The stars are awesome tonight!” Kel agreed

"Hey Sunny, maybe you can become an astronaut when you are older! That way you can get a closer look at the stars!” Hero grinned.

Sunny let out a little hum as he looked at the stars, “...maybe…”


Omori walked over to the shelves of books to see if he could open them. Sadly, all the books were glued shut.

Guess no one is reading them anytime soon.

“This telescope has its lens covered in tape…” Aubrey pointed out.

“I just realized something,” Kel began, “This is hell for Spaceboy!”

“Oh! That makes sense!” Aubrey nodded.

Hero pressed play on the jukebox and it began playing the special mixtape Spaceboy made for Sweetheart. He then moved to the mirror and realized it was purposely designed to make the person looking at it seem ugly.

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