Vs Something

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Silence in the room didn’t last long as Aubrey immediately ran ahead, readying her fist as she charged at Omori.

Omori just gave her a blank stare watching as she approached.

Once she was close enough she swung, her fist hitting his jaw.

He had no reaction. He just stared at her with his dead eyes as she continued to try and beat him.

Hero eventually grabbed her arm, forcing her to realize that Omori was not injured.

Not a mark on his body.

She felt even angrier at that. It was like he was taunting her.

Saying that she wasn’t good enough.

She kicked him in the groin causing him to jolt just a bit. Otherwise, he had no reaction.

“Holy shit, what is he? Made of iron?” She muttered.

Kel walked with Sunny up to Omori. It didn’t take long for anyone to realize that Omori’s eyes followed wherever Sunny walked.

Except behind him.

He didn’t look behind him.

He could never look behind him.

Hero checked the computer screen only to realize that it was just static. Nothing for them to do there so he closed it.

Kel and Aubrey both decided to check out the sketchbook to realize it only had one sketch on it.

The one with a decapitated head.

The rest of the pages were blank as if someone reset it.

They didn’t know what to think of it so they decided to put it back down. It wasn’t going to be useful to them anyway.

The only thing left to check out was the black light bulb hanging from the ceiling. It was pulsing with dark electricity. Hero tried to reach out to it but he ended up getting shocked. The pain quickly shot through his body causing him to jump.

“Ow!” He hissed as he shook his hand lightly.

“Hero? Are you okay?” Kel asked, concerned for his brother.

Hero nodded, “Yeah, I’m fine. Just didn’t expect it...”

Sunny looked at the lightbulb and then the others before letting out a sigh. He reached out his hand before anyone could process what he was doing and the lightbulb fell right into it. It stung his hand, pain running up his arm yet his face stayed neutral.

He wasn’t going to hide anymore.

His grip tightened as he lifted the bulb over his head and before anyone could stop him…

He threw it on the ground.

Everyone watched in shock, including Omori who quickly turned around to watch the scene unfold.

The room went dark. The only thing left was Sunny.

He walked to the light that appeared only for Something to make its appearance.

Sunny immediately felt terror fill his body and his breathing got quicker. He quickly took a deep breath to calm down and looked at Something with a new resolve.

He wasn’t planning on losing.


Kel opened his eyes to find himself on a staircase leading downwards.

Down below was someone watching him with a smile and jagged teeth. Kel felt his heartbeat quicker as tears streamed down his face.

Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit , shit!

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