Aubrey's thoughts

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Aubrey was still sorting items into boxes but she was completely distracted with her thoughts. Her main thought was that Sunny almost just died because she didn’t check to see if he actually went to the bathroom. Even then, if he did go into the bathroom that would have been much worse. He could have locked the door and-

No. She had to stop thinking about that. Sunny is alive. They stopped him. That is what matters right now.

Didn’t mean she still wasn’t disappointed in herself. At least Hero was watching him now. He would make sure he was safe.

She felt her phone in her pocket buzz and she jolted in shock. Who could be texting her this late at night?


Kim: Hey, I saw you’re online. You aren’t normally up this late. Are you good?


Ah shit, Aubrey forgot to make herself appear offline. She got too distracted with everything else.

Who knows, perhaps Kim talking to her would be nice.


Aubrey: Eh, yes and no. I forgot to make my settings appear offline so that’s my bad.

Kim: O?

Aubrey: Yeah, and like, two bad personal things just happened so now I am busy with shit.

Kim: Oh, do you wanna talk about it or….

Kim: I mean, if you don’t wanna that’s perfectly fine.

Aubrey: Can’t talk much about it but Basil’s grandma is in the hospital so if you see him around don’t bother him.

Kim: O shit, really? Damn, that sucks.

Aubrey: Yeah and I am currently busy at Sun’s house with Kel and Hero.

Aubrey: We decided to help him pack.

Kim: Ah, okay. How r u holdin up?

Aubrey: Meh. I’ll live.

Kim: Kk. Tell me if you need something. Vance challenged me to finish a game in a day so currently doing that.

Aubrey: Cool. See ya.

Kim: Bye bye.


Aubrey let out a sigh. It was nice to know that Kim was okay after seeing most of her friends in pain. She slowly began picking up more things to put away before spotting something.

It was a familiar book that Aubrey couldn’t believe she was seeing again.

Grabbing it, she stared at the cover for a good minute.

Duets for Piano and Violin

Aubrey remembered when their school first approached Sunny and Mari after Sunny got his violin. The school thought it would be nice to hear them both play at the school festival. They handed them this book in hopes Sunny and Mari would find something nice to play together.

Mari found a waltz in this book she loved to play and asked Sunny if he wanted to do it. Sunny looked hesitant yet he wanted to play it with Mari because it made her happy.

Aubrey let out a sigh.

It was clear to anyone who has a brain that Sunny actually didn’t want to do it. She wonders what would have happened if they didn’t put a ton of pressure on him doing it. Would Mari still be alive? Or would she still have done it?

Aubrey doesn’t know.

She put it into the book box and took a deep breath, inhaling some dust but it didn’t matter.

She needs to talk to Sunny and Basil soon. It was important that they did.

She finished her job and walked back down into the living room. Hero was sitting close to Sunny who seemed to be falling asleep again as Kel was messing around with a random pencil he found.

“Hey, you finished?” Hero asked her.

Aubrey nodded and sat down next to them as well. She was exhausted but she really didn’t want to fall asleep again.

Who would after what they went through?

Sunny would. In fact, he fell asleep the moment she sat down. His quiet snores filled the house as the others just sat in silence.

They sat there for what felt like hours and they probably were. Their thoughts were going quickly through their heads like a whirlwind but they were as silent as ever. It felt weird and unnerving if Aubrey was honest.

“Hey, I never told you guys about that instance that I had with Sunny. I wanted to talk with him about it but that’s um, out of the option….” Kel nervously chuckled.

“Oh yeah, you never did say it.” Hero recalled, “You can tell us now.”

“So me and Sunny were at Basil’s house eating dinner and I told Basil that Sunny was moving.” Kel began.

“Wait, he didn’t know? That sign has been up for a month.” Aubrey shot him a confused look.

“I was surprised as well! Anyways, after I told him Sunny was moving he looked...scared? Nervous? One of those. He then told us he was going to the bathroom and ran off.” Kel sighed.

“That doesn’t sound normal….” Hero looked concerned.

“Polly thought that as well so she sent me and Sunny to go check on him. We knocked on the door and got no response so we entered to make sure he was okay.” Kel took a deep breath for what he was going to say next.

“I think he was having a panic attack on the floor because he was muttering the words everything was going to be okay like fifty times. The ground looked like it had some weird black pulsing goo which was kinda gross but I thought I was just having some weird hallucination thanks to the dream world.” Kel stated.

“Wait, there was weird black goop around Basil? What did it look like?” Hero asked.

“Oh, um, I didn’t get a good look at it. What I did get a good look at was the one-eye demon monster thingy that was in the mirror behind Sunny. I think that was also the most terrified I have ever seen him. After seeing that I grabbed both him and Basil and pulled them out of there.” Kel finished.

“Damn, I would have fought them.” Aubrey yawned, exhaustion finally catching up to her.

“Of course you would have.” Kel rolled his eyes before yawning as well.

“Would any of you like a midnight snack? I can check what Sunny has in the fridge.” Hero got up with a stretch.

“Yeah, sure.” Aubrey nodded.

Kel nodded as was so Hero walked into the kitchen. He opened the fridge to be greeted with...nothing. This whole fridge was empty.

Hero felt a twinge of rage go through him as he closed the door.

How long did Sunny have no food in the fridge? He was going to have a talk with Sunny’s mother when she gets back, he swears on his life.

He walked back into the living room and looked at Kel and Aubrey.

“There is literally nothing in his fridge. I’m going to go buy stuff, what do you want?” Hero asked them.

“Uh, I would love to have some bacon and eggs.” Kel grinned.

“Same.” Aubrey agreed.

“Alright, I’ll be back.” Hero walked out the front door.

Aubrey decided it would be safe to close her eyes. Just for a little while.


The trip to the grocery store was uneventful and Hero walked back into the house with a groan from carrying the bags all the way back.

He looked on the couch to see Kel, Aubrey, and Sunny were all peacefully sleeping. Well, he at least hoped they were peacefully sleeping.

The sun outside was rising and Hero walked into the kitchen with everything he needed.

Breakfast should be ready shortly.

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