A mini talk and check up

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The living room felt cold as they all sat down. Sunny looked like he was mentally preparing himself to speak as everyone wondered just what to ask him. Asking him what the truth wasn’t possible because he doesn’t know it. Nobody but Basil knows it. Honestly, Hero felt quite worried for him. He did die in Black Space after all, who knows how much he has suffered.

Aubrey opened her mouth to speak first, “Are...Are you Omori?”

Sunny let out a nervous hum, “Y-Yes? Also no? It’s...it’s complicated. I don’t really know how to explain it. I’ll let you know now though that I was not in control at the end there.”

Hero took in a deep breath as he remembered his legs being slashed. He could see the others tense up as well.

“Do you...have any idea what the truth may be connected to?” Kel decided to ask, wanting to leave the last topic.

“I know Basil knows it...and Mari knew it as well. I don’t know what it could be connected to…” Sunny answered truthfully.

“Do you think it has something to do with the closet?” Aubrey asked.

Sunny shot her a confused look before looking down, “Maybe? Once again, still don’t remember owning a closet…”

“Huh, yeah! Maybe the closet is a part of the truth! I mean, it has to be the reason it doesn’t exist.” Kel agreed with Aubrey.

“So the closet has a part of it as well...that’s nice to know.” Hero muttered.

“Do you think Basil is okay? How long do you think he was in Black Space?” Kel wondered.

“When we interrogated Basil and Sunny at the lake he said that he was in multiple different areas. I don’t think he was always in Black Space, I think he entered the same time as us.” Aubrey stated.

Hero wasn’t there for that conversation and that might have been useful information to take note of later. Oh well, at least now he knows.

Sunny nervously began fidgeting with his hands, “I hope Basil is okay…” he muttered.

He must feel horrible for hurting Basil in Black Space.

“Shouldn’t he be up as well? I think we can stop by as long as we don’t bother Polly.” Kel stated.

“Yeah, it might be a good idea to check on him.” Hero decided.

Judging by the looks on everyone's faces they thought the same way. Sunny, however, looked more nervous and hesitant than the others. Aubrey walked over and patted him on the shoulder, trying to comfort him.

Sunny gave a slight nod before forcing his face back into its neutral position.

As they all got up and made their way to the door though they all felt the air grow stale. The sudden feeling of being watched filled the room as Hero turned around to be face to face with the distorted version of Mari.

Fear paralyzed him as he struggled to move. It moved quickly at him, not giving him the time to process what was happening.

He shut his eyes.

“It’s gone…” Aubrey’s voice cut through the air.

Hero opened his eyes to see she was right.

“God, I hate that thing so much.” Kel cursed under his breath. He quickly whipped his tears away. It seems the emotions they felt in Black Space followed them into the real world. How fun.

He looked at Aubrey to see Sunny was holding on to her tightly as if she was a lifeline. His face was filled with fear as Aubrey made sure to wrap her arms around him to keep him steady.

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