The dungeon pt2

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Getting lost was as easy as getting Kel to smile. This place feels more and more like a labyrinth than a prison the longer Hero walked in it.

Not to mention all the dangerous knights and torture equipment. Walking down a corridor they come up to a pair of spikes sticking out of the ground.

“Darn, guess we gotta go another way..” Kel sighed.

“Ugh! This place is so confusing!” Aubrey complained.

Suddenly the spikes went down surprising the whole group. Mari then peaked her head around the corner with a smile, “You know, if ya need help you could have just asked.”


Hero had never been so happy to see her here. Of course, Mari would come when they needed help, Sunny did call on her whenever he was in a struggle.

“Now that you all are here, you can have a picnic with me! If you want to, of course!” Mari sat down on her blanket like always. Next to Mari was a jar of pickles which Kel immediately hissed at like a cat.

“Imagine disliking pickles,” Aubrey opened the jar and handed one to Omori as she grabbed another one and looked Kel dead in the eye, “Couldn’t be me~”

“You both are absolutely disgusting.” Kel looked at the duo eating in disgust.

“Psst, Hero, wanna know why I brought pickles?” Mari whispered to him.

Hero never suspected she would try to talk to him one on one, so needless to say he was kind of worried. Was this the part the dream was going to go sour? He hoped not.

“W-why did you bring pickles?” He asked.

“Because,” she did a twirl and then finger gunned, “It seemed like you were in one!”

“...” Hero rendered what he just heard, “...OH!”

“Get it? You were in a pickle-” “So you brought pickles!”

Hero let out a laugh at that.

“See? Knew you would get it!” She grinned.

She then proceeded to laugh a bit more before sitting down but that laugh was still in the air. It sounded just like hers.

Hero had to bite his lip to prevent his emotions from showing.

“Why don’t next time you bring jam?” Kel muttered, “Would have made a better joke…”

“Sorry Kel, if it makes you feel better I have a Hershey-” “I’LL TAKE IT!”

Kel happily munched down on the bar.

“Hey Hero, I have a question to ask you really quick.” Mari turned to the boy yet again.

Hero swallowed nervously, hoping it was just another pun.

“Was there any chance you would have said yes to Sweetheart?” Mari asked, a layer on her voice that Hero knew all too well.

“Absolutely not. She was nowhere near my type.” Hero quickly spoke.

“Oh? Then who is your type?” She asked with a smile.

“...” Hero blushed and looked away.

“C’mon, say it~” Mari continued, chuckling.

“Mmmmm” Hero continued to avoid eye contact.

“You. You're his type.” Aubrey spoke up.

“PFF” Mari began laughing as Hero wished to wake up about now.

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