The beginning of Black Space

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Walking out of the stump and into the park they saw it was still empty. Only Mari was there, sitting on her picnic blanket as usual. The group made their way to her. She smiled and waved at them as they sat down on the blanket. They all stayed silent as they felt like this was some sort of rest before they entered the storm.

Mari didn’t talk either, simply humming a familiar tune as she ate a pb&j sandwich that came from her basket. The hum was as comforting as a hug as Hero took a deep breath.

He was going to help her brother. He has to do this, if not for the group then for her. She would want him to protect Sunny and Basil so he will.

“Do you guys want any snacks? You all look tired so I was just wondering…” Mari offered out of the blue.

“Yeah, I’ll take some. Thanks, Mari.” Kel gave a small smile as he took a piece of the sandwich and placed it into his mouth.

“I think it is time we get going...I have a feeling the faster we go the better.” Aubrey sighed as she got up with Kel and Omori.

Hero got up as well and looked at the rest of the group who had fire in their eyes as they began to make their way to Basil’s house. Giving them all a small yet supportive smile, Mari waved them goodbye as they walked away.

“Good luck everyone. You’re going to need it.”

He turned around quickly and saw Mari was gone. A small smile appeared on his face as he continued walking.

She’s watching over them. He knows it.


The walk to Basil’s house was short. The group was energized to get this done as soon as they stepped into the area that was now covered in fog. The flowers they would water every time before they went off to do something were now dead and wrinkled. Stranger stood by a patch of flowers though somehow they all could tell this wasn’t the same Stranger as the one in the void.

“These are sunflowers. They’re called that because they always face towards the sun. That’s how I want to be. Someone who sees the bright side of things.” Stranger spoke, his voice sounding exactly like Basil’s from when he was twelve.

He walked down and the group followed him as he made his way to a patch of lily’s, “These flowers are called lily of the valley. It’s said they are able to ward off evil spirits and help people see a brighter future. I guess that's why they remind me of Mari. I can always count on her to help me stay positive!”

He sounded so happy when he said that. They remembered Mari blushing slightly at the complement of being compared to them. She always did her best to make them all happy and to be the perfect role model for them. Perhaps always needing to be perfect for them is what…

They shouldn’t think of that.

Next was the patch of roses.

“Roses come in many different colors and have their own unique meanings. Pink roses symbolize admiration, orange symbolizes passion, yellow symbolizes friendship, and the list goes on. Hero doesn’t remind me of any rose in particular. I think Hero is like all roses because he is universally loved.”

Hero felt tears prick in his eyes but he refused to shed them. Hearing this reminded him of how much everyone felt like family to him in the group. Basil, Sunny, and Aubrey were like siblings to him…

Just another reminder of why he should stop running from everything. He needs to be there for them.

There were only a few more patches of flowers to go. The next were flowers that were shaped like swords.

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