Sweetheart's Castle pt10

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Omori, yet again, tapped the statue causing it to shake violently, “WHAT’S THE PASSWORD!?” It boomed.

This time when the little pad came out of it, Omori filled out the other options with the words they had collected.

“You submitted Sweet Jelly-Filled Donut...hmph, fine!” The statue moved out of the way allowing them to enter through yet another trap door.

The group made their way down, entering a room filled with unopened presents and mail. Huh, must be where Sweetheart puts all of the gifts her fans give her. From above they can hear the floor shaking from all the running upstairs. They can also hear moles singing for some reason…

“Psst, hey kids! I got some good things for sale!” The smuggler creature grinned.

Hero and Omori bought some more healing items with their clams and Aubrey sat down to eat pickles.

“Ugh, why are there only pickles…” Kel groaned.

Hero tapped his shoulder and handed him a block of tofu.

“...This will do.” Kel sighed.

They moved ahead to find a ladder with a picnic basket next to it. Omori opened up the basket to find nothing inside. How disappointing…

They climbed up the ladder and opened the trap door to find themselves back in the hall where it all started.

“Yes! Freedom!” Kel cheered.

“That took way too long…” Hero groaned.

“Hey, is it just me or is everything more decorated than normal?” Aubrey asked, looking at new banners and flowers that weren’t there before.

“Huh, you’re right. That is strange,” Hero nodded before suddenly hearing a ring from the stage.

“Oh crap! A show is about to start!” Kel jumped behind one of the seats and the rest were quick to follow.

“Welcome all! Welcome, all! After forty-two seasons of ‘Sweetheart’s Quest for Hearts’ we are airing our final episode!” The green-haired mole spoke on stage.

“Final episode? Doesn’t that mean she found someone to marry?” Aubrey whispered.

“Huh, I feel bad for the poor sucker who was chosen.” Kel laughed.

“It has been a wonderful run! Thank you all for your viewership!” The mole let out a few sniffles, “For as long as we have been on the air, we have been trying to find the perfect suitor for Sweetheart. Each time, however, Sweetheart has never been able to find true love.”

The crowd let out a sad ‘aw’ for her.

“This time, however, we have come to believe that we have outdone ourselves with this one! This is the moment to end all moments! History begins here!” The mole shouted and the crowd let out a cheer.

“Dim the lights for the final episode begins now!” The mole yelled as the lights darkened, “The wedding shall begin!”

“So she is getting married!” Kel laughed again.

“Shh!” Hero and Aubrey shushed him.

The curtains opened for the mole choir to lay on the stage. Ye old sprout sat on the stage as well, watching over everything. “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the aisle Sweetheart’s perfect suitor!”

“Imagine if it is herself-” “Shh!” The gang shushed Kel again.

The door to the hall opened up to reveal two sprout moles pushing in a cake with a little heart coming out of it.

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