Humphrey pt6

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A shiver crawled up Hero’s spine as they continued making their way forward. He couldn’t tell if it was the atmosphere or the fact he was still shaken by Omori’s actions with the flower crown. The way he just kicked it with no hesitation. He didn’t even look like he felt bad for the action, he only looked...mildly disappointed about something. Hero couldn’t tell you what about for the life of him.

They entered an area with a bunch of empty glass tubes. Some with scratch and bite marks inside. However, there was one, just one, a tube that wasn’t empty at all.

Hero covered his mouth in shock and the group gasped as they looked at what was in front of them.

A cat-like monster was in a tube. It looked nearly like the giant cat in the room they start in, except smaller and with half of its body split open. From the top half of his body, giant red arms. In one of its hands, it carried a large blue ball that shined in the light. Its eyes were locked on them, watching their every move as if it was waiting for them to come closer to it on their own. It looked at them like they were prey in a cage.

“What is that!?” Aubrey whispered as they slowly moved past the cage to continue forward. The creature kept its eyes on them slowly shifting in the tube to keep staring at them.

“I don’t know, we shouldn’t go near it though…” Hero muttered.

Once they were behind it and nothing happened the group looked away trying to continue without looking back.

Fate had other plans for them, however, and the tube made a cracking sound as the creature rammed itself against it.

“That’s not good,” Kel stated the obvious.

The glass broke some more and the creature came tumbling out of it, letting out an inhuman noise as it shook the shards off it.


The group broke out into a sprint before they realized that a Humphrey was blocking the way. Aubrey whipped her bat out and whacked it causing it to lower as the creature floated above the void breaking physics.

“C’mon! C’mon! We need to go faster!” Kel tried to rush them.

“Look! I need to wind up before a hit for it to go down! Don’t you think I am trying!?” Aubrey shouted at him.

“GUYS IT’S HERE!” Hero yelled as the creature grabbed him.

All Hero could see was red as the beast revealed its teeth and made an inhuman screech. It picked him up and he could feel his bones crunch as the beast tore him to shreds.

It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, ỉ̶̲ṯ̷̓ ̴͓̽ẖ̷͘u̸̞̿r̷̖͗t̶͍̋s̶͕̉,̴͋ͅ ̵̣͌i̵͉̐ť̸̢ ̷͍̃ȟ̸̝u̴͇͒ȑ̶̯t̶̟̀s̵͔̀,̵̙ ̷͕̄i̶̯̻̞̇̑̏t̵̨͍̦͠ ̷̘̭̆͘h̴̰̼̤ű̷̖͚͖̑ṟ̵̻̊̂͝t̴̺͈́̍s̷̡̛͘,̷̗̋̉ ̸͍̲̲̂̊̚ḭ̷̦̍ṱ̵͎̩̊̈ ̴̛̱͘ḩ̸̟̝͝ũ̸̮̬̗r̴̻͙͝t̸͉̓̉s̵̫͂,̶̢͌ ̴̳͚̝̫̜̗͕̞̣͖̆̃̑̃̂̕ḭ̸̡̬̐͗̄͂̕͠t̷̩̙͕͒̄͋̆̓̌̆̈̚ ̵̡̜̩͎̘͍̭͆͂̚ͅh̴̛̼͊͌̊͋ṵ̸̙̣̲͇̝̩̆ȓ̴̩̩̊̆̈́̃͝t̷̡͈͍͉͊̏̂͂͑̀̾͆̕͝ͅş̸̛̘̪͉̹́́̋͆̿̕-̵͓̖͓̯̼̮̜̪̈͜ ̶̡̺̹̮͍̝͌̈́̓̈͆͒̈́͜͜͝

His eyes shot open and they were back at the beginning.

“What- What just happened?” He asked slowly, not sure if he just hallucinated the whole thing or if it was real. His body still ached though, so he was assuming it was real.

“I think we got murdered.” Kel groaned as he sat up.

“How did we not turn into toast? That should have definitely turned us to toast.” Aubrey pondered, looking at the whole group in surprise.

She had a point. Why didn’t they turn to toast?

Omori simply waved at him as everyone got up and Hero realized why they didn’t become toast, or at least didn’t realize they became toast.

“Did you- Did you revive us?” He asked Omori in slight surprise. He doesn’t know why he didn’t expect Omori to do that since that was what Omori normally does but he assumes it is because of the flower crown incident.

Omori simply nodded and Kel grinned, “Aha! That makes tons of sense! The dude just doesn’t succumb to anything! Thanks, Omori!”

Omori gave a thumbs up and a nod to show he appreciated the compliment before suddenly grabbing Kel’s hand and walking over to Hero and grabbing his.

“Oh! I understand! To stay together we should hold hands!” Kel nodded, “Good thinking Mori!”

Everyone latched hands together, Aubrey in the front to whack the Humphrey’s and Hero in the back to keep an eye out.

“Three, two, one! Go!” The group ran forward quickly. The creature broke out from the tube again and began chasing as everyone loudly screamed. Whether the scream was a battle cry or out of fear it was hard to tell.

The road was long and twisty and it definitely didn’t help that the lights kept going dark. Aubrey knocked down all the Humphrey’s in their way as quickly as possible and they were finally nearing the end. Hero’s eyes lit up in hope before seeing just how many Humphrey’s were blocking the exit. Aubrey readied her bat and began whacking but since she needed to wind up to do damage the beast quickly began to catch up to them.

“RUN! MOVE!” Hero warned as it continued to gain on them.

Aubrey knocked down the last Humphrey and they kept running as fast as their legs could carry them. Up ahead was a door, perhaps they could run inside and be safe from whatever this creature is?

It let out another roar, prompting the group to look behind them, seeing it was way closer than preferred.

Suddenly something could be heard falling from above and the beast looked up to see…

...Was that a hotdog?! And a giant one at that for it crushed the beast easily, killing it.

“... every day my hatred for this place grows more and more,” Aubrey muttered under her breath.

“That’s one big hot dog.” Kel looked like he was trying not to laugh.

“It has toppings and everything.” Hero sighed, trying to accept what just happened.

Omori walked forward and touched the hot dog, making it magically disappear.

“God I hate this place.” Aubrey looked like she preferred to chuck herself into the endless void right now.

“Do you think we should check if we missed anything back there? It should be safe since whatever that was is dead now, right?” Kel asked nervously, fidgeting with his hands as he waited for an answer.

Omori nodded yes almost immediately and Hero let out a groan, “Only because Omori saved us and he wants to do it…”

“Nice! Let’s check what we missed!” Kel grinned as he and Omori began to walk ahead.

“How can they both be so carefree?” Aubrey asked.

“I have no idea…”

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