Didn't expect to see you here

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Notes:best read after completing the main story

It has been two days since Kim last saw Aubrey from the hospital and her mind was still buzzing with questions. It wasn’t until she spotted Aubrey’s familiar pink hair entering the woods that leads to the hideout that she decided to get answers. Her footsteps were quiet as she approached Aubrey who was sitting on the dock. If you looked a bit closer you could see a puddle of dry blood. Gross.

With a sigh, Kim sat down next to Aubrey who didn’t seem to pick up on her presence. She must really be lost in her thoughts to not notice her. That immediately made Kim feel nervous. Aubrey wasn’t the type of person who seemed to get lost in her own head.

“Hey, Aubs.” Kim began, jolting the girl out of her thoughts.

“Gah! Kim? When did you get here?” Aubrey asked, her voice filled with a minor panic.

“I just got here, what are you doing here?”

Silence from both sides filled the area as Aubrey clearly looked for some words to say. Kim waited patiently, knowing how well Aubrey does with conversations about feelings.

“I...I came here to sort through some feelings. These past few days have been rougher than expected.” Aubrey sighed.

“...” Kim stayed silent, hoping for Aubrey to continue.

“...That night...Sunny lost his eye. The wound is way too deep for his eye to heal. He is going to need to wear either a glass eye or an eyepatch for the rest of his life.” Aubrey looked at the dry blood on the dock as if it just insulted her family, “I wish I was here sooner to stop it.”

Kim didn’t know what to say so she settled with putting a hand on Aubrey’s shoulder, hoping it was comforting to the other girl.

Aubrey turned and gave a light smile to Kim before facing away again.

Kim had so many questions to ask but she decided to settle on the one Aubrey could answer best, “Are Sunny and Basil okay? I mean after everything….”

“Sunny is awake and fine. He should be leaving with his mom tomorrow to my knowledge. Basil is also awake but he seems more focused on making sure Sunny is okay than his own wellbeing,” Aubrey sighed, “I just want them to be happy for once. I feel so shitty every time I think about what we did to Basil. That was fucked up.”

Kim grimaced at that. She definitely would need to apologize to Basil for everything she has done. She only tormented him because it was one of the things that seemed to make Aubrey happy. She didn’t know why Aubrey did it but if it made her happy then it was probably for a good reason.

If Aubrey regrets it now then maybe it wasn’t the best idea on the planet. Maybe instead of adding fuel to the flame, Kim should have helped the two out.

Kim barely knows anything about Basil, but if she was going to help Aubrey mend her relationship with him then perhaps it is time she learns.

“Hey, if it makes you feel better we could talk to the gang. The only other person who knows about this is Vance and that is because he was waiting for me at home to scold me for leaving without him,” Kim let out a dry laugh, “His face when he saw the blood on me is something I won’t be able to forget.”

“...Sorry for wrapping you up in that shit. You don’t even know the full story.” Aubrey looked down in shame.

“Eh, don’t worry about it. You can tell me when you feel ready. As of right now, wanna grab some Ginos?” Kim offered, standing up and holding out her hand.

“Hell yeah.” Aubrey grinned.

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