Otherworld Pt2

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Omori walked in first, leading the group to a long bridge with a door at the end. Omori walked ahead and ran into two space pirates who seemed troubled.

“We’ve really done it now dude. I hope the captain won’t be too mad when we tell him his favorite planet is missing…” The first one began, “You know how he gets when he is mad.”

“Buddy, you’re not supposed to call him captain anymore! You have to call him Space Boyfriend, remember?” The second one corrected him.

“Oh yeah, that’s right…” The first one trailed off.

“Urg...ARRGGGGGGGGG! You know dude? Sometimes I wonder if we are even space pirates anymore! Ever since Sweetheart came along we haven’t done anything cool! We should quit and get real jobs...” The second one snapped.

“Dude! Don’t talk nonsense! What is life for us if not the space pirate life? Captain will come back to his senses someday and we’ll fly again! We just gotta believe in him!” The first one comforted the other.

The second one sighed, “Thanks man. You’re always there for me when I need you.”

The space pirates walked away and left through the door on the other side.

“...That was something…” Hero trailed off.

“Best not to question it…” Aubrey sighed.

The group continued forward and exited through the door, making their way to the Junkyard.

The junkyard was smelly and messy. Aubrey groaned at the thought of walking through all of the trash. The others however didn’t seem as bothered while they continued walking.

Kel however couldn’t help but laugh and point at a worm peeking out of a magical floating hole, “H-hey guys look, it-it’s a pff wormhole heheh.”

“...I hate this place. I hate it so much.” Aubrey muttered to herself as Hero laughed. Omori didn’t seem to have any reaction to it.

On the other side of the room was a man with the longest mustache that the group has ever seen wearing a top hat. “My good men! I am looking for some art! Fear not, for I will know when I find it!” the man turned away from them and began rummaging through trash.

“Uh, good luck buddy…” Kel sighed.

The group moved upwards to the front door of the junkyard. Omori took out the key and placed it in the keyhole in the door. The door lowered into the ground, allowing our group to proceed. Walking forward broken cars were lying about along with traffic cones. The group made their way through, grabbing some more items that were weirdly stuffed in Watermelons.

Kel noticed an open area with trash and out of curiosity began digging through it.

“Dude, really.” Aubrey deadpanned.

“Ain’t we looking for something?” Kel asked.

“We are looking for a special mixtape…” Hero reminded Kel.

“Oh yeah, duh.” Kel continued searching only running into cans.

“...” After a while of digging Kel got up and sighed, “Nothing in here.”

“Congratulations you have wasted our time.” Aubrey faked clapping.

“Aw shut up!” Kel groaned.

The gang proceeded ahead, climbing up ladders and grabbing any piece of random trash that might be useful. Floating mixtapes in the air began to attack the group, along with a floating boombox that seemed to be on fire.

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