The tides are getting rough

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“Well, this doesn’t look ominous at all…” Aubrey muttered as she looked at the dead trees surrounding the group. They have just walked into another room and already they are unnerved. Long, inky black hands reached towards the sky as the group began walking forward.

Once again, everything seemed to be drawn out. Creepy, unmoving creatures that looked like something you would find in a sketchbook stood tall. Aubrey could only feel chills down her spine as they continued walking.


They all paused as they swore they heard a voice. Looking around revealed nothing except more horrifying sketches.

Liar. Liar. Liar.

The sketches were getting worse and worse, the number of hands and dead trees increased and parts of the ground were missing.

Liar. Liar. Liar.

Tree stumps replaced the dead trees as the voice grew louder and louder. Aubrey felt that unexplainable rage building up inside her. Once again they were all feeling intense emotions for no reason. Hero was shaking and Kel looked like he was fighting back tears. It was taking all of Aubrey’s might to not grit her teeth.

Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar.

The ground only lost more parts and Aubrey looked down into the hole only to see what looked to be jumbled memories. If she looked close enough she could see tiny parts of Mari’s face.

Hero suddenly paused and looked on with fear. Aubrey and Kel followed his gaze and froze as they saw what he was looking at.

The one-eyed creature was standing above a tree stump, floating in place as if it were calmly relaxing.

Aubrey felt the anger inside her bubble as she fought to keep it down. Hero looked more shaken than before and Kel looked like he wanted to cry. Omori walked to the creature calmly and stood in front of it. It stared at him, unblinking as it spoke for the first time.

“ Sunny, I love you. ”

It spoke with her voice and that was the last straw for Aubrey. She ran forward, the rage taking over as she threw a punch at the creature. It dodged and she threw another punch. It kept dodging and Aubrey kept attacking. Her arms were starting to feel numb as her punches became slower.

It dodged again as Aubrey swung, though this time Aubrey felt herself trip on her own feet. She tried to keep her balance but she was too close to a piece of the broken ground.

She fell.

She heard people screaming her name but one voice stood out the most.

“ Aubrey, I love you. ”


Hero felt the fear inside get more intense as he watched Aubrey fall into the abyss. Using pure adrenaline he ran forward and looked over the edge. He couldn’t see Aubrey at all. Kel ran over by his side with tears dripping down his face as he looked absolutely devastated.


There was nothing. No response or anything. Hero felt tears build up in his eyes as he prayed to whatever god that was listening that Aubrey was alive and that she was okay.

Kel was full-on sobbing. Screaming her name as Omori grabbed both of their shoulders in a comforting manner. The one-eyed creature stood behind them, watching their every move.

Hero couldn’t think of a worse situation to be in right now.

...The universe, on the other hand, could.

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