The boat is being destoryed.

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After they managed to calm Basil down, the group began to continue moving. Opening another door they found themselves on a beach. Just to the left of them was Stranger, looking across the ocean shore.

He turned to them, eyes widening when they landed on Basil, “Oh? Another member joined your party? How interesting it is that your friend here played a big part in the truth. The truth that caused your other friends, if we can even cause them friends, a part of their suffering. No matter how much we want it, things can’t go back to the way they were before. So...why do we cling on to a tiny piece of hope that it will? Do you even have that hope, Sunny?”

Aubrey immediately became confused as she tried to process what Stranger just said. Apparently, they're looking for a big truth that only Sunny, Mari, and Basil know about. Now Stranger just told them that the truth played a part in their suffering? She can recall many times she has suffered, here and in the real world. If this truth was behind all of it...just how bad was it?

In the sea ahead of them was the key they needed. Omori jumped into the water and began swimming towards it, and grasping it.

He then swam back, stepping back on the shore with the others. The group looked around yet they spotted none of the floating hands that should have appeared by now. A spike of anxiety ran through Aubrey as she quickly turned to face Omori.

He wasn’t making any movement for the knife in his pocket but she felt like she should watch him just in case. She doesn’t want to see what he did again.

“Hey, Basil, I've been thinking. You know about that truth stuff Stranger was talking about, right?” Kel turned to Basil who nervously hesitated before nodding.

“And, I know you can’t speak...maybe we can find another way for you to communicate! That way you can tell us what this truth is!” Kel grinned, happy with himself.

“Well, we are surrounded by sand. Basil could write in it.” Hero suggested.

“Hero, you genius! Basil, ya mind getting a bit dirty?” Kel looked over to the boy.

Basil let out a soundless sigh and moved to the ground. He looked, nervous. Scared even. Though his face hardened with resolve.

He moved his finger down to write in the sand.

His finger.

His finger disintegrated the moment it hit the sand.

Then his hand.

He screamed but there was no sound. They rushed over to him, trying to help him as his body began falling apart at the seams. His mouth moved rapidly as he was begging anyone to save him but no words came out. His face was twisted in pain as the others tried their best, trying to hold him together.


Basil was full-on sobbing while Kel kept trying to rebuild him, shoving the ashes his body was creating back onto him like it was clay. It was useless as Basil’s body fell apart completely.

A scream finally came out of his mouth.

One of pure pain, agony, and fear.

He disappeared leaving only a pile of ash on the ground.

“BASIL!? BASIL!?” Kel yelled but there was nothing.

Basil was gone.

He died.

He’s dead…

Holy fuck Basil is dead.

Holy fuck Basil is dead.

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