Food Pyramid pt1

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The emotional whiplash that hit all of them was gigantic. The streets were filled with life as Hero, Aubrey, Kel, and Omori stood in complete silence. The energy around them felt so wrong after what they just experienced that no one knew what to say. So, they said nothing.

That didn’t stop their thoughts from flowing.

What just happened? Why was that creature so horrifying? Is it connected to the one-eyed demon from last night? Why did it repeat Sunny’s name and try apologizing to him?

Hero felt his body shake at his last thoughts.

Maybe his brain was telling him to say sorry to Sunny for not being there for him since the incident? That seems like the only logical case his brain could hand to him yet he feels like that isn’t it. Something tells him there is more to this than he could see.

He just needs to wait.

He didn’t even notice he was walking until Omori held his hand out, stopping the whole group from continuing.

In front of them was a wide desert filled with items that appeared to be food. A pyramid stood proud and tall yet had construction equipment around it, Hero wondered if they could enter inside it or if it had any clues within.

Despite the previous events, the moment Kel’s eyes landed on the food his mood immediately brightened as he gave a small chuckle.

“How much do you want to bet I could finish everything in sight.” He joked.

“I highly doubt that but be my guest. If you want cramps so bad you can barely move then I shall be by your side to laugh at you.” Aubrey joked back.

“Wh- Hey! I won’t cramp!” Kel glared.

“Really? Then eat everything. Go on. I’ll wait.” Aubrey grinned.

Kel looked at everything before letting out a sigh, “...You know what? I changed my mind.”

“Heh, knew it.” Aubrey gave herself a proud smile.

“Yeah, yeah, shush.” Kel rolled his eyes.

“Alright you two, we need to figure out where we need to go.” Hero began looking around in hopes of finding anything worth investigating.

The answer is there was nothing in sight that looked interesting minus the pyramid so that just happened to be their first stop.

Walking up the steps they were able to find out that the pyramid was called Dino Dig, a local attraction for all to visit. Surprisingly, despite the construction equipment nearby, the place was open.

They opened the doors and stepped inside to be greeted with a near-empty lobby with only working dinosaurs and very few visitors around. Moving forward they saw a T-Rex who just so happens to be blocking the only way forward.

“Um, excuse me, sir?” Kel nervously approached the beast, shocked when it turned its head to face him.

“Hey there, little adventures! Welcome to Dino Dig! I’m Dino, the founder of Dino Dig!” Dino proudly grinned to himself before pulling out a piece of paper that seemed like a script to read off of, “Ahem...are you hungry for treasure? Are you ready to have a spoonful of adventure? If so, you came to the right place!”

“Oooo! This sounds fun! How do we start?” Kel asked excitedly, practically bouncing in place.

“Do you have any Dino Dollars? Because to begin you need to buy a spoon at the spoon store!” Dino explained, pointing in the direction of the store.

“...Omori, do we have Dino Dollars?” Kel turned to face the boy who seemed to be lost in thought.

“Aye, Omori! Asking a question here!” Kel shouted, snapping the boy out of his thoughts, “Do we have Dino Dollars?”

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