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Sunny felt bad for pushing Kel away like that but he knows that if he went for his comfort that they would prevent him from picking up any more of the photographs. He couldn’t allow that to happen. He couldn’t allow them to get in his way.

He picked up the next photo to see he was now carrying Mari downstairs with Basil. His head hurt like hell as his brain tried to piece where that would go with his memories.

The darkness covered him again and another finger was chopped off. It hurts a lot but Sunny will fight through the pain.

He felt the piece click in his mind as his friends watched him put the photo into the album.

Groaning in pain he continued forward as his friends watched in pure agony. He felt bad for putting them through this pain. He wished they didn’t have to see this at all.

Walking, well more like wobbling to the next photograph he felt arms restraining him, holding him back from continuing forward.

He struggled against them. How dare they try to stop him!?

“Sorry, Sunny! This is so you don’t get hurt anymore! Kel, can you pick up that photo?” Aubrey’s voice filled his ears.

“Yeah!” Kel yelled as he ran forward and picked up the photo. He held it up so everyone else could see as well.

The photo had him in it and he was still carrying Mari. It looked like he was carrying her outside with the help of Basil.

Why was he bringing her outside though?

He felt vomit pile up in his throat but he held it down. He needed to find out more.

Despite Aubrey holding him back the darkness apparently didn’t care for who picked up the photo.

It covered him yet somehow managed to shove Aubrey off him.

He felt a jolt of pain shoot through him as another one of his fingers was cut off.

He only had one finger left.

Before Sunny knew what was happening he was sprinting across the room looking for the last photo. Everyone else was chasing after him, whether to help or to stop him.

He didn’t care. What he did care for was the fact that he managed to spot it right next to the music stand on stage.

He picked it up before anyone could stop him.

His eyes widened at the photo.

The violin. The one he owned. The one his friends and Mari gave to him. The thing that allowed him to hang out with Mari.

It was destroyed at the bottom of the stairs.

The memory clicked in his head.

He destroyed it.

He destroyed his friend's gift to him. He felt awful. Why would he do that? He doesn't remember. He wants to remember. He needs to-

Taking a deep breath he tried to calm down. He couldn't freak out. Not now.

The moment the others laid their eyes on it their faces became filled with shock.

The darkness covered all of them and Sunny felt more blood dip down his face. He also had the worst headache he had felt in his life.

It was okay though.

He deserved it.

Opening his eyes he found out he had been teleported to another room with the others. One filled with synths, broken harps, drum sets, and what might be messed up tubas. It was hard to tell though.

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