Last Resort pt4

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They explored the construction site more, destroying barrels and talking to the workers to see if they know Basil. They didn’t and that was even if they decided to talk back to them instead of fighting them.

Eventually, they climbed up a ladder that led them up above sea level, leading them to a wooden dock they all recognized. It was where they saw the shadow figure of Basil not so long ago. There was a fuzzy on the deck with them as well that Omori immediately walked to. Grabbing it, his head lowered in disappointment. Guess that wasn’t a good one then.

Hero doesn’t know if he should be glad because that meant no disturbing imagery or disappointment if these things are actually important.

They explored a bit more before deciding to head back to the elevator, using the keycard to head up to the last floor.

The elevator opened and the group stepped off, walking down the hallway with photos of png sharks on the wall. Each labeled as a member of the Jawsom bloodline. The last one was not a png but an actual photo of a shark wearing a business suit and sunglasses. He was known as Mr. Jawsome.

They continued walking only to be face to face with two gators and a...dinosaur wearing glasses? She was also wearing a hoodie and seemed to be rocking herself back and forth as she stood idly, blocking a door with a golden fin on top to symbolize the boss being just past the door.

Her eyes landed on the group and quickly widened as if she was surprised to see them.

“Let me guess, you folks are here to talk to the big boss. Am I right?” She grinned like she knew exactly what they wanted.

“Yeah, we want to ask him if he has seen our friend Basil.” Kel began to explain.

“Friend Basil? Huh, the name sounds familiar but I don’t think I met someone like that. Ya, sure the boss might know him?” She asked, tilting her head.

“It’s worth a shot. We’re running low on leads so we were hoping that even if he didn’t-” “Ya, ya, I understand your reasoning. However, today is a big day for him. He is running a tofu fundraiser event and I don’t think he would like to be disturbed.” she explained.

“Is there any way we can convince you to let us pass?” Aubrey asked, fairly annoyed by this whole conversation.

“Hmm, I am kinda thirsty...alright, fine I will let you pass but only if you get me some bottled water. Standing here and yelling at people that they can’t come in leaves ya with a dry throat, ya know?” She sighed.

“Why don’t you just send one of your men to do it?” Aubrey pointed out, not wanting to go into the elevator again.

“...” The dino lady looked at her guards as if she finally just noticed them, “Oh yeah, guess I could send them. Guards! Get me a drink!”

“Yes, Berly!” The guards immediately ran to the elevator as Berly grinned, “Don’t make me regret letting you pass.”

“Thank you!” Kel grinned as the group opened the doors and walked into what seemed to be another elevator with a fuzz inside. Omori quickly grabbed it and was immediately disappointed yet again.

“Another bad one? Talk about bad luck…” Kel let out a tiny laugh.

The elevator rose with a click of a button and it rose quickly as if it was in a hurry itself. The doors opened and the group stepped out into what appeared to be a waiting room.

It was filled with people mumbling to themselves about how the boss seemed to be very busy with his latest project and how they are bored from waiting for hours. There was even a skeleton to show just how long people have been waiting here.

Talk about bad business practice.

The poor gator running the front desk was panicking with how many calls they were getting, telling people to hold as they scrambled to the next phone. Hero felt bad for the guy but this allowed them to sneak into another elevator nearby.

Inside it was actually fairly decorated with a bookshelf and an empty picnic basket near the button. There was also some raw seafood for the group to eat as the elevator made its way up.

The elevator ride was a long one as Kel munched down on most of the seafood. The elevator doors opened and the group walked forward into a well-decorated room with two elevators in the back. At the boss's desk sat Mr. Jawsome, his eyes landing on their small group.

Hero didn’t know what he was expecting but he was tall. Very tall. He looked down at them as they stood in front of his desk.

“Who are you? I didn’t get a call anyone was coming up here to see me!” He glared at the group.

“U-Um, we were wondering if you have seen our friend Basil. We have been looking for him for three days straight and-” “And I have been looking for people to work for me! Do you think I just barged into people's houses and ask if they want to work for me with awful pay?” He snarled, his eyes hidden by his shades.

Shit. This was a bad idea. Why would they think this was a good idea?

Hero needed to find a way out of this and fast.

“Uh, um-” “Because I actually do that. Honestly, though I admire your guts to just barge in here like ya own the place.” Jawsome grinned.

“Huh!?” Everyone froze at that. Did- did he just compliment them.

“Listen here, since I like ya guts I will give you this one offer. A one-time deal since you actually managed to make it this far. How about it?” He offered, his grin becoming more devilish, “You work under me and I give about decent pay. How about it?” He reached out his giant hand for the group to shake.

...Was he just given a job offer? Actually, better question, did he just pass a job interview?

“I don’t think I can legally work. I am stuck in a body of a twelve-year-old.” Aubrey stated, raising her hands defensively.

“Same here.” Kel also raised his hands defensively.

Omori just looked at them before raising his hands as well.

“Well, what about you? You seem old enough to work.” Jawsome turned his gaze to Hero, “In fact, you look like the perfect worker this place needs. I can see it in your eyes. C’mon boy, what teenager hangs out with a bunch of twelve-year-olds anyway?”

“One, they are my friends, that is why I hang out with them. Two, while I appreciate the compliment I can’t work right now. I am looking for Basil.” Hero calmly explained.

“Tch, well if ya ain’t here to join me then just leave! Guards!” Jawsome yelled as the two elevators behind him opened up with two gator guards coming their way.

“Wait! We really just came here with hopes you can help us search!” Hero shouted as the guards began to attack.

They have dealt with them before but it is slightly inconvenient to try to convince someone to help you when they are sending out their minions.

“Me? Help people search? What a joke! What would I benefit from if I helped some measly kids find another kid?” Jawsome laughed as he sent more guards their way.

“Um, perhaps helping us would help your business get recognized? I mean, most places would help kids in hope for a good reputation!” Aubrey stated as she took down another guard.

“Good reputation? My company already has a good reputation! Guards!” Jawsome shouted.

But there were no more guards.

“...” The room filled with awkward silence before Jawsome laughed.

“Don’t think this is over yet! I still have one more trick up my sleeve!” He laughed some more as he grabbed his phone and pressed a few numbers, “Pluto, may you meet me in my office?”

Pluto? Why does that sound so familiar?

The building shook as Pluto barged through the ceiling, landing dramatically behind them. He dusted himself off as he turned to face the group.

Oh. Oh no.

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