Sprout Mole Village

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He walked through the black space, fear in his heart and tears in his eyes as he looked upon the doors in the area.

He was here last night. His dream began peacefully with him waking up in a house, a lovely place it was.

It had flowers that lined the wall and a warm fireplace. His peace was disturbed when he suddenly gained company from his old friends. It had been a while since he had seen any of them.

However, nothing good lasts forever. He found this out the hard way when he was transported here after trying to tell them the truth.

Where was he exactly? He didn’t know what to call it other than his own personal Hell.

It would make sense if that is where he was sent. After all, who could forgive a filthy sinner like him. No matter how much he says he is okay...he truly isn’t. Who could be after what he had done?

At first, he was scared. His head felt itchy as if someone poured lice into it and so he tried to remove the flower crown. The flower crown refused to come off though, no matter how much he tried. Vines appeared around his neck as he tried to pull it off, refusing to grant him freedom from the crown as it made his scalp itch more and more.

Eventually, the flower crown did come off… with his head still attached to it.

That is when he awoke in the room where he is now. A room with a black blanket, only being able to see it with the white outlines surrounding it. There was also a picnic basket and a blank sketchbook. The book reminded him of Sunny and how much he used to draw. Sadly there were no pencils to draw anything on it...

He went through a few doors around the area only to manage to find new ways to die brutally and painfully. He has lost track of the times he lost his limbs to some beast in the shadows or to his friends with distorted faces. His flower crown still itched but he knew better than to tug at it.

He deserves all of it though. He deserves to be ripped to shreds by his friends. Torn into little pieces of paper and eaten alive by monsters with sharpened teeth. He deserves it for the sin he committed a long time ago. Despite feeling fear in his heart and despite the tears burning his eyes, it truly is what he deserves.

I wonder where this next door leads...let us explore some more s̷̡̢̧̤̥̤͈͙̜̥͈͈̜̽̿̒̀̋̊̈́̽̚ͅi̷̢̯̘̿̽͛̓̋̀̈́̇̀̏͘͘͘̕͝͝͝ͅn̶̲̻̲̙̝̰̯̒̈́͐̍͘͘ͅn̴̖̻̪̺̫̓̂͒͐̂̐̓e̷̛̙̻̩̟̲͈̱̐̈͊̔̽̂̿̈̅̚͜͜ͅr̷̢̝̫͈̬̬̞̤̙̝͍̲̟͎̖͋̌̾̔̓͠.


There was a hole in the ground, just north of King Crawlers' body. It had a ladder sticking out of the ground which allowed the group to enter the underground.

When they finally reached the bottom they were greeted with Mari, sitting down on her picnic setup as always. Hero wondered why Mari was able to make it around so fast and why she was always on a picnic blanket but decided against asking about it. He could just get answers from Sunny when he goes to Faraway.

“Hey, guys! How did everything go?” Mari asked the group.

“Eh, if you minus the centipede monster then we are good!” Kel grinned.

“I might have a new insect to fear…” Hero shivered at remembering the creature. Without adrenaline fueling him he can now focus on how horrifying the monster was.

“Oh, well that sounds bad...would you like a tomato?” She offered Hero.

Hero sighed and with a nod began to chow down. This reminded him of the time where he saw a big spider and to take his mind off it Mari invited him to bake cookies with her. Kel and Sunny hung out in the living room watching Spider-Man cartoons and-

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