Snap back to Reality

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Kel slowly got off the ground, trying to slow down his breathing and calm his thoughts. He ran his hands through his hair to try and calm down.

“Kel? Are you okay? We heard a thud!” His father's voice rang through the door.

“Yeah, I am good!’ Kel responded, still trying to catch his breath as he tried to process what happened.

He began stretching his body, his bones making tiny snapping noises before he sighed to himself. Grabbing his phone off his nightstand he tried to remember what he wanted to search up.

“Uhhh, oh yeah, something about a violin? That was one of the weird things I saw.” Kel muttered to himself as he used google to find out what a violin in his dream meant to mean.

Apparently, it symbolizes peace and harmony in your waking life. Kel silently wonders if since the violin in his dream was broken that means that his life won’t be peaceful soon enough.

He really preferred not thinking about that. Instead, he grabbed his shoes and put them on, deciding maybe he’ll go check on Sunny. His own dream made him realize it has been a while since he tried getting in contact directly with him. It would be nice to see him again before he moves and all.

He left his house, managing to completely forget about breakfast, and walked onto Sunny’s front porch and began to knock on the door. Well to be honest it was more like pounding his fists on the door in hopes that if for some reason Sunny was asleep he could still hear him.

“Helloooo? Sunny? Are you there?” Kel asked, “Do you remember me? It’s your old friend Kel!” Kel yelled, hoping to get through to Sunny.

“So, I, uh… I noticed the for sale sign outside your house...and I heard from my mom you're moving soon…” Kel sighed, remembering how his mom told him the news a month ago.

You forget how much you miss someone until you realize they are leaving soon. Kel wonders if anyone else in the group minus him and Hero knows.

“I was wondering if you wanted to hang out one more time before you left or whatever… for old times sake, ya know?” Kel mumbles, his voice becoming more nervous.

He doesn’t know why he was expecting Sunny to just come out, he has tried multiple times trying to get Sunny to show himself. However Sunny never left the walls he built.

He was about to give up. His fists numb from whacking the door so hard, waiting for a person who never comes. Though suddenly he heard it, a floorboard creaking as someone approached the door.

He heard footsteps slowly inching towards the door as he continued knocking, almost as if it was an animal slowly approaching a human trying to see if it could trust them. The footsteps stopped and everything was silent except for the sound of Kel’s breathing. The doorknob twists and Kel’s breath is caught in his throat.

Sunny looked a bit different than he remembered.

His skin is pale as snow, reminding Kel of the skin vampires are given in comic books and movies. His eyes barely shined with any light, almost like his soul was fighting to stay alive in them in a sea of darkness. He was also very skinny and small, if Kel hadn’t lived these past four years he would have thought Sunny was still twelve years old...and a vampire.

Despite everything with his looks, Kel decided to give the boy a bright smile, “Holy crap! You actually came out!”

Sunny nervously rubbed his arm as Kel proceeded to back up a bit so Sunny could come out through the doorway.

“I'm going, to be honest with ya, I wasn’t expecting you to come out at all. So I don’t know what we can do today but we can hang out!” Kel invited.

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