Humphrey pt8

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They sailed to the right, the last way they needed to go to find a keycard. Hero sighed as the boat moved smoothly across the water...acid? He didn’t know what they were floating on. What was mainly on his mind was what happened back at the hole.

Sunny’s father….

When Hero saw him growing up the man was always busy with something. Work, bills, and taxes, basically adult stuff Hero barely knew about. Sometimes his father would get out snacks for the kids on random occasions. He seemed pretty decent…

Though Hero always had a feeling there was something more to him. When he was around them he would tell them stories of Mari and her achievements. Boosting her ego and saying she was the perfect and most amazing daughter anyone could ask for.

When things came down to Sunny, however, his whole attitude would change. Instead of praising Sunny, he would point out the flaws in everything he did, no matter how small.


Hero was in the kitchen with Mari, simply making some eggs as Mari ranted about her teacher who gave her more assignments than the rest of the class simply because she was a star student. Hero hated teachers like that. They were always so annoying.

“Hey, I am going to go use the bathroom. I’ll be right, okay?” She suddenly got up and left the room. Hero let out a small hum and continued cooking.

He decided to eavesdrop on the living room, mainly out of boredom and waiting for the eggs to cook. The house was always filled with interesting conversations.

He knew Mari and Sunny’s father was watching some old detective show on TV, doing something that wasn’t working for once. He also knew Sunny was in there doodling in his notepad Hero got him a few days ago.

“Huh, you drew a photo for me?” Sunny’s dad suddenly spoke, breaking the silence.

He decided to peek in the room, watching Sunny give the photo to his father with proud eyes, hoping he will like it. His father on the other hand squinted as if it was some secret code instead of a simple drawing. Perhaps the drawing was small?

“Hmm, it’s alright. You managed to make one of my eyes look uneven and my eyebrows look off. The body is sort of funky as well and you drew four fingers on my right hand instead of five. You should practice more.” His father handed the drawing back and continued watching TV while Sunny looked down at his drawing in disappointment.

Geez, that was a bit harsh. Not even a thank you for the photo or a good job on what he did correctly. He didn’t even say “I love you” for thinking about drawing him.

...Maybe he can make Sunny draw a photo of him so he can compliment it. That would put him in a better mood.


Hero remembers that day as well as he could. He remembered he did convince Sunny to draw him and the drawing was pretty good. If he remembers correctly, the photo should be in one of his drawers. He should look for it and maybe hang it on his wall to remind Sunny of a good memory. That would be nice. For now, though their boat had docked, which meant more puzzles for them to complete.

How fun this is.


Walking down the path they ran into two Humphrey’s who were wearing tubes as if they were about to go swimming standing by a waterfall.

Upon their approach, one of the Humphries turned their way with a grin, “Did you know us Humphries are strong enough to withstand a waterfall’s current? Just watch!”

One of the Humphries jumped, landing on the waterfall with ease, and stood perfectly still with a proud grin on his face. The other one also jumped but instead of latching on he missed and fell into the abyss with a scream.

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