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A drop of water hit his head the moment he walked through the door. All around they could hear the rain softly hit the ground and see muddy footprints. There were also dead trees and rocks in the distance. Instead of exploring they followed the trail, tired from all the shit they have seen. The trail led them to Stranger who stood in front of a key.

He turned to them and laughed hollowly, “You lost your new member the moment he joined. How unfortunate. I bet he misses you as much as I do Sunny. You were always someone we could depend on to listen. Our problems, hopes, dreams. You knew them all. So if you're still there...please let our words reach you one more time.”

The one thing Hero picked up was the way Stranger speaks to them. Especially Sunny. He speaks like Sunny is dead and trying to get in contact with his spirit and helping him pass on. It’s concerning to hear ‘if you’re still in there'.

Hero doesn’t know what to think of it.

Stranger disappeared and Omori grabbed the key, summoning the hands and teleporting them out of there.

No one had anything to say nor to do so they continued forward, opening up the next door.

The whiplash was immediate.

The room was pitch black with purple splotches on the ground. Walking around were the dreamworld versions of themselves, though they had no face. They were even stuck in the ground, their bodies laying sideways and motionless. It was horrifying.

It didn’t help that sometimes Mari would glitch into Something and the demented version of her, startling everyone in the room. Basil would also glitch, his body disappears and a shadow-like monster with long tentacles takes his place, though it quickly shifts back to normal as well.

Kel tried to see what would happen if you interacted with them but they only turn towards you before turning away.

Omori grabbed the key quickly and they all ran to the nearest hand.

Was it just Hero or did the rooms seem to be going faster? Well, he wasn’t complaining. The faster they go the sooner he could talk to Sunny and Basil about what is happening.

...That is even if they could talk to Basil…

No, no, no, no don’t think like that you’re going to make yourself panic.

Hero took a deep breath and sighed. Omori opened the next door and Hero immediately felt his blood run cold.

They were on a platform out on the sea, multiple trees coming out of the ground and a ladder leading up to a bigger platform. Hero gripped the ladder tightly and climbed up slowly. He had an awful feeling rising in his gut and his heart was beating out of his chest. He made it up and looked around with the others, his eyes landing on a bed. In the sky nearby, a giant moth seemed to float in place.

“Who would want to sleep out here?” Kel muttered his eyes on the moth.

Hero had to agree, this would be one of the worst places to sleep.

Omori on the other hand, seemed to disagree as he walked up to the bed and climbed into it, pulling the blanket over him and closing his eyes peacefully. Hero, gave a small smile, “At least one of us is happy…” he whispered to himself.

Aubrey walked over as well and shoved Omori over. She laid in the bed next to him, not bothering to put the blanket over her before closing her eyes.

Hero and Kel joined them, not laying but sitting on the bed. A tiny break was nice and it helped a bit with the nerves he was feeling.

Maybe things won’t go as bad as he is thinking.

Omori pulled the covers off himself and stood up, doing a mini stretch as he walked over to the next ladder.

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