A Bad End pt 2

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They sat silently at the hospital. Sunny was pronounced dead at the scene. No one knew what to think.

Being in Sunny’s head, they know why he did it. They just...wished there was a way to stop it.

There was no way though. Sunny was long gone, Kel and Aubrey were crying and Hero had only one thought.

That he was a failure.

He had to break the news to Sunny’s mother. After all, he felt like he deserved to tell her about how he failed her son. Perhaps she would scold him. He would deserve it.

Sighing he pulled out his phone. How long has it been since Hero had called her? He used to call her occasionally, letting her know that he and Mari were going out or that he was coming over with Kel so he and Sunny could have a playdate.

Now he was calling her to tell her that her son had passed away by his own hands. Just like her daughter did.

With a shaky breath, he put the phone to his ear as he waited for her to pick it up.



Her voice sounded different than the way Hero remembers it. It sounded like she wasn’t all there.

That was...concerning, to say the least.

“Hello, Mrs. Suzuki. It’s me, Henry.”

He hated that name. It felt so wrong to be called that though for some reason whenever it came to Sunny’s parents he had to use it.

“O-Oh! Hero! It has been quite a while since you have last called me? Did you call to ask about Sunny?”

“U-Um, actually I-” “Sunny is perfectly fine! I am home right now, washing the dishes before we move. Sunny is upstairs fast asleep. If you want I can tell him that you want to see him tomorrow!”


“Uh, no you aren’t? I was just there. Also, Sunny is not in his bedroom fast asleep, that is what I called you to talk about.”

Kel and Aubrey shot him a confused look as he lowered his phone to put it on speakerphone. He made a motion with his mouth to tell them to stay silent.

“H-Huh? I mean, I knew that! I was, um, just playing a small joke! What do you wanna talk about?”

Hero took a deep breath to keep his voice steady.

“Mrs. Suzuki, Sunny he...he committed suicide. He is no longer with us.”

The room went deathly silent. No one spoke a word.

Hero began to sweat. What if this was the final straw for her? What if he was too blunt? Should he have sugar-coated it a bit? Would she have appreciated that?

Then a hollow laugh came from the phone.

“Oh, Hero. You trickster. Though I don’t think it is polite to joke about these things-” “I am being serious with you. I am in the hospital right now. He was pronounced dead at the scene. I am sorry Mrs-”

“Shut up.”

Her voice froze Hero immediately.

“So...Sunny’s dead. Honestly, it took longer than I thought it would.”

His blood was frozen.

“What...What do you-?”

“Hero, you’re a smart kid. Think about it. Sunny hasn’t come outside for four fucking years. Did you think that he would have ever come out?”


“I’ll be honest. It really took longer than I expected. At first, I wanted to protect him because he was my only child left. I was hoping he would move on after a few weeks but that never happened. Instead, he decided that the only things he would do were eat, sleep, and use the bathroom. It was as if he was a zombie.”

Hero felt his body begin to tremble. He didn’t know whether it was rage or fear for what she was going to say next.

“He became a burden. A husk that I was forced to take care of. I left notes and messages around the house so he felt like I still cared if there was a tiny piece of him still conscious. I brought him food but then he began to barely touch it causing it to go expired. I didn’t find use in buying things for him anymore.”

Hero looked to see Aubrey and Kel fuming with almost the same amount of rage he felt.

“I bought him a few things so he wouldn’t completely starve but other than that the only use he had was the fact people kept giving me money to blow on things I need. Why should I use it on him? Isn’t like he is going to need it.”

Hero hung up.

Shoving the phone into his pocket he immediately let out a yell and punched the wall. It definitely startled Kel and Aubrey but he knew they understood.

Sunny’s mother, to put it in short terms, was a fucking bitch.

She didn’t care that Sunny died. In fact, she probably sees it as an opportunity to hoard more money for herself.

It was obvious that Mari was the golden child to her. When Mari committed suicide she thought she could mold Sunny into her new trophy. Instead, he was fucking depressed and of course he was fucking depressed his fucking sister committed suicide how in the-

Deep breath.

Hero refuses to lose his temper in a hospital.

Aubrey was a different story on the other hand.


She kicked the same wall Hero punched, nearly leaving a dent in it.

“Who the fuck does she think she is!? Does she care at all that Sunny is fucking dead!?”

Kel was also pissed but he put a hand on Aubrey’s shoulder.

“We should...we should go outside…”

Hero agreed.

Though a nagging fear took hold in Hero’s mind.

How will Basil take the news?

He most likely won’t take it well.

Hero only has one goal in mind.

He couldn’t be there for Mari nor could he save Sunny.

Though he will be damned if he isn’t there for his friends.

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