Beginning of Humphrey!

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They continued forward in silence. Aubrey was still sniffling while Kel and Omori took the lead. Hero was trying his best to comfort her, patting her back as she trembled from what they saw.

Hero was sure if Aubrey wasn’t here that he would be the one in tears. Who wouldn’t be after what they both witnessed? Hero wishes now he lost that mental battle if it meant that he could be as carefree as Kel is. He wouldn’t though, even now he would resist it. He has to be there for Aubrey.

His eyes were mainly on Kel. Ever since the tree, he has been silent but his body language was still easy to read. He was still easygoing and didn’t care at all that Aubrey and Hero looked horrified at the coral tree. In fact, he started making jokes about how they looked.

“Gee, you guys look awful! What? Did ya see a ghost?” He laughed.

He had to restrain Aubrey from beating him up. Kel only laughed though and continued ahead.

His eyes then landed on Omori who was the farthest away from the group. Omori was Sunny, wasn’t he? So why...why did he eat his own head? He remembers not only the scene but the sounds . That was the worst part.

The sound of Omori crunching on the bones. The sound of flesh being torn off. The horrifying scream from underneath them before appearing by the tree. Remembering it made him want to vomit.

Worst, he seemed to enjoy new Kel’s company more than their Kel. It honestly scares him.

Omori turned around and met his gaze. His eyes were empty with no emotion behind them. That was normally how he looked but-

The glare he sent to him sent shivers down his spine as he swore he saw something behind him.

Omori turned back around and focused more on what was ahead instead of on Hero.

Hero wished to scream but didn’t. His voice didn’t let him.


Kel finally made it near the light that Stranger was leading him to. He felt as if he took a long run through a football field but Stranger was completely fine.

“ what?” Kel asked, out of breath from the walk.

“Simple, you get to enter the light.” Stranger replied with a shrug.

“Can-Can I ask why you disappear every time we see you? You are actually kind of a nice dude.” Kel nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

“...Omori. He prevents me from interacting directly with the overworld. Here, however, I get free reign.” Stranger informed Kel.

“Huh, so what are you trying to do when you appear?” Kel tilted his head.

“Allow Sunny to find the truth.” Stranger sighed, “Before you ask, I can’t tell you the truth. It is best if you see it from him yourself.”

“W-Why is that?” Kel asked, genuinely curious.

“...Can’t say. It was nice talking to you Kel. Goodbye.” Stranger grabbed Kel abruptly and threw him into the light with ease.

Before Kel could react, he was gone.


They had just entered another cave before Kel suddenly collapsed, startling everyone in the group.

“Kel?” Aubrey spoke up.

Kel didn’t move an inch.


Hero rushed over to his brother’s side with Aubrey close behind. Omori just stood still and watched the scene in front of him unravel, looking unnerved at the sight.

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