VS Space Ex-Boyfriend

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At Space Boyfriend’s bed, everyone stood around it before a space pirate walked up from behind.

“Well, did’ja bring the tape?” The pirate asked the group.

Omori pulled out and held the tape in the air for the pirate to see. The pirate seemed to be stunned before giving out a grin, “Well ya really did it! A bit dirty but that is the tape!”

“Actually about this whole Space Boyfriend situation,” Hero began, not noticing Kel taking the mixtape from Omori, “We were told a rumor that Space Boyfriend and Sweetheart broke up…”

“WAIT, REALLY? DO YOU KNOW IF IT IS TRUE??” The pirate yelled in shock, not noticing that Kel and Omori moved towards Space Boyfriend.

“No, but if it is I don’t think this mixtape would work on him…” Hero muttered.

“Hey Space Boyfriend, we got your mixtape back,” Kel told the resting pirate.

Space Boyfriend didn’t move at all prompting Kel to frown a bit, “Could say thanks, I worked hard for this.”

“Gee, it is just a breakup. Normal people go through that most of the time, he’ll get over it.” Aubrey groaned.

“Hey Omori, do ya think if I blast the mixtape it will get him up?” Kel asked. It felt weird to call Sunny by a different name but whatever floats his boat.

Omori looked between Kel and Space Boyfriend curiously before shrugging. He looked surprised to even be asked that question.

“Eh, it’s worth a shot.” Kel decided, moving to the boombox to enter the tape.

“In that case, it might be too emotional to play the mixtape for him. Omori, can you give me the tape?” Hero asked.

Kel was already inserting the tape and pressing play before anyone could stop him. A nice melody began to play, filling the air with a lighthearted toon.

“Kel you moron!” Aubrey yelled at the kid.

“What? Isn’t this what we came to do?” Kel asked.

“I suddenly have a bad feeling about this…” Hero groaned as he whipped out his Baking Pan, sensing the danger to come.

“What….is...that...INFERNAL...RACKET!?!?” Space Boyfriend shot up, throwing his blanket off his bed and into the starry background behind him.

“Damn it Kel! You messed up again!” Aubrey yelled as she took out her doll. Omori followed suit by taking his knife out.

“Heh...my bad…” Kel mumbled.


Everyone stood their ground firmly before Space Boyfriend looked around, “...hmph, one second.” He suddenly teleported from his area, startling Kel to take a few steps back.

Now that Kel thinks about it, he could swear he recognizes Space Boyfriend from somewhere but he can’t remember where.

Space Boyfriend appeared again next to the boombox and proceeded to take the mixtape out to replace it with a different one. Suddenly a more Sci-fi tune began to play as Space Boyfriend posed dramatically, “FWAHAHAHAHAHA! MUCH BETTER THEME, WOULDN’T YOU AGREE?”

Omori and Kel gave a thumbs up to it causing Hero and Aubrey to let out a sigh. “What? It slaps!” Kel stated, noticing their faces.

Space Boyfriend teleported back onto his bed and stood upon them proudly, “Foolish children! I must thank you for pulling me out of that pathetic state! I grew tired lying in bed, pretending to be sick. Like I always say, FEELINGS ARE FOR LOSERS!”

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