A Bad End pt1

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They split the tasks in between each other. Hero is washing the dishes, Kel is cleaning the house, and Aubrey is going to sort with Sunny.

There were barely any dishes to begin with. Only about ten plates laid in the sink with a few forks and knives with them. Hero felt like someone shot him. Sunny was barely eating. The only one that looked recent was the one that looked like it had cold chunks of steak attached to it. He also noticed that there were wine glasses in it as well. It hurt to look at.

He picked up the dishes and began washing them. Covering them with barely used soap and wiping the chunks of the plate with ease. He began putting them away inboxes.


His eyes quickly landed on the one that was filled with utensils.

The one that was currently missing a knife.


He quickly placed down the fork he was holding and ran upstairs as fast as he could, startling Kel who was cleaning the floor.

He quickly opened the door to Sunny’s room only to see Aubrey putting the toys away.

“Hero? What’s wrong? You looked panicked.” Aubrey quickly got up after putting a toy car in one of the boxes.

“Sunny...he still has the knife.” Hero muttered.

“Oh, shit.” Aubrey’s eyes widened in panic.

“Yeah, do you know where he went?” Hero asked.

“He said he was going to use the bathroom.” She stated.

Hero quickly nodded and ran out of the room, quickly going to the bathroom door and knocking.

“Hey, Sunny! Are you in there?” Hero yelled.

There was no response.

“Why are you checking the bathroom for Sunny? He told me he was going outside for some air.” Kel asked the duo, slowly walking up the stairs to see what they were doing.

“He’s outside!?” Hero quickly bolted past Kel who was still confused as he made his way to the front door.

He swung it open to find...nothing. There was nothing but complete silence. Hero felt only panic as he began looking around the whole front yard. Sunny couldn’t have gone far.

Aubrey and Kel ran outside with him as they all began looking for Sunny. Sunny wasn’t here though.

“What the hell, Kel!? You said he went outside!” Aubrey yelled.

“That’s what he told me! I don’t know where else he could have gone!” Kel shouted back.

“Enough! Both of you! We need to find him and…” Hero stopped talking and immediately ran back inside.


He swung open the back door to see Sunny hunched over in the moonlight. Hero could only hear his heartbeat as he ran forward.

Sunny collapsed on the ground, the knife falling out of his chest.

Blood. Blood was everywhere. Staining the grass and Sunny’s shirt.

He could hear Aubrey and Kel approach behind him as he screamed.

He pulled Sunny’s body to his chest as he sobbed.

Why didn’t he ask for the knife sooner when they were questioning him? Why did he have to be an utter fool and not be able to save him? Of course, he went out to the back. How could he be so fucking stupid?

He could hear Kel desperately calling for any sort of help but help never came.

A sudden chill paralyzed his body as he looked forward to the tree stump where….

The one-eyed creature stood and watched them. It’s eye judging him for not being able to save Sunny.


He failed Sunny like he failed Mari.

He was a failure and nothing was ever going to change that.

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