What if Basil went through with it?

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Basil waited for silence to cover the house before he began to make his move. Slowly coming out of his room, he snuck into the living room to find everyone was sleeping. If he had to guess, they were all sharing the same dream.

His eyes landed on Sunny.

Sunny, his best friend since Aubrey introduced them.

Sunny, who listened to all of his problems.

Sunny, who he would do anything for in a heartbeat.

Sunny, who made himself feel like someone who belonged.


The unfortunate human being that Something decided to take control over.

The one Something used to kill Mari for being too perfect.

The one who was suffering from guilt from being its puppet.

The one who ruined both of their lives.

The one that Basil had to get rid of.

Who would if he didn’t. No one else knew what Something did except him and Sunny.

He had to get rid of Something. To do that, he had to get rid of the puppet.

Basil’s grip on his gardening shears became tighter as he moved down to Sunny’s level.

He felt a million eyes on him as he raised the shears over his head.

Just one swift motion and everything will finally come to a rest. Just one swift motion to put an end to all of their torment.

“Is this really what you want?”

He stopped.

“Is this really the right thing to do? Would this really solve everything?”

“What...What do you mean? Of course, it would.” He whispered.

“You’re wrong. You know you’re wrong.”

The voice was firm yet gentle. He hated it. He absolutely despised it.


Basil felt his grip on the shears loosen.

“Sunny...wouldn’t want this….”

Basil felt his breaths quicken.

“He would want you...to be happy.”

He felt tears prick in his eyes.

“Shut up. Please, just shut up and let me do this.” Basil sobbed silently. His tears were falling on top of Sunny’s shirt. Sunny didn’t wake up though. He laid perfectly still with his heart still pumping in his chest.

“Basil...I want you to be happy. Don’t….”

“Shut up. SHUT UP!” Basil yelled as he lifted the shears into the air and plunged them straight into Sunny’s stomach.

Sunny’s eyes snapped open and he opened his mouth to scream. Basil quickly covered his mouth and looked at the boy with a mix of joy and sadness.

“Sunny...everything is going to be okay now. No one will know our secret. Nobody.” He smiled as tears streamed down his face.

Sunny’s eyes widened in terror as if he just remembered something before his eyes fell shut.

The room was silent.

There were no noises except the crickets outside and the other’s snores.

He began to laugh silently.

He won.

He won against Something.

He suddenly felt a heavyweight on his chest as he looked up.

Something was standing over him with rage and fear in its eye.

“What did you do?”

It sounded like a mix of everyone he has ever talked to.

He laughed some more.

“I killed your only puppet. Now…”

He stood up quickly before piercing through something with rage.

He was angry.

If it wasn’t for this creature then everyone would be happy.

Mari would be alive. Sunny would be alive. He would be happy. Everyone would be happy.

He hated it.

He kept stabbing and stabbing, manic laughter filling the air.

He began to feel joy.

Basil was finally getting rid of this thing once and for all.

And then, when done he was next.

Everyone would be so happy! There would be no more problems! His funeral will be a celebration!

He can see it now.

Sunny would be mourned and missed by all as Basil would have his grave demolished by Aubrey in an instance with Hero, Kel, and Polly cheering her on.

Mari would torture him relentlessly for killing Sunny and hanging her corpse.

Sunny would only watch. His eyes filled with joy to see Basil ripped apart, just like his eyes were when that dream version of himself was ripped into two.

It’s what a killer like him deserves.

He stood up, looking at Something’s corpse.

He blinked…

His body was filled with immediate regret as he looked at Polly filled with stab wounds.

His body became frozen and his laughter stopped. Looking down at his hands they were covered in blood.

Something used Polly.

There was no way in hell Basil could have even predicted that.

Tears quickly rolled down his face as it became filled with terror.

What has he done?


Eyes watched him as he began sobbing. His eyes managed to land on Kel, Hero, and Aubrey who were all wide awake. They were looking at him with horror but they couldn’t speak and move thanks to Something holding them down.

Guess there were some perks to Something being around. That perk being that it would prevent his friends from stopping his punishment.

Stopping him from getting what he deserves for killing two innocents this fateful night.

Raising the shears to his chest he watched as Hero, Kel, and Aubrey struggled to break Something's hold.

It was no use.

He gave them one last smile before plunging the shears through his chest.

The last thing he heard before passing on was a yell of pure agony.

Maybe now, they can be happy.

...Now he can rest.

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