Sweetheart's Castle pt2

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“...So we agree to never talk to that thing again?” Hero asked the group after they left the Keeper of the Castle behind.

“Yep.” Aubrey and Kel both nodded.

“Good, cause I really don’t want to deal with that again…” Hero sighed.

The group began to walk yet again down the corridors of Sweethearts Castle. Making their way forward they found a door at the end of the hall with a flamingo standing outside it.

“Graa! Royal library! No reading without permission!” It squawked.

Walking into the room, Hero was in shock at how many books there were. It was like a reader's dream to have this many! He wondered how many were just for show or actually read.

In front of them was a long line leading to the top of the library. Some moles were chatting excitedly while others were loudly complaining about others in the line. It was a mess.

“Should we cut the line or…?” Kel brought up.

“I mean, they seem so busy with themselves they might not notice.” Aubrey shrugged.

Omori walked out of the line and to a bookshelf with a ladder on it. He climbed up the ladder and took out a book and tried to open it. The pages however were glued shut.

“Darn. No reading time for us then.” Kel let out a mini chuckle.

“Bet all the books here are bad anyway.” Aubrey shrugged.

Omori made a motion for everyone to follow him as they passed up the sprout moles by simply cutting in line.

Before talking to the mole in charge, Omori walked to a ghost that was floating out of a teacup.

“Oohoooo, I have a question for you!” It began, “Do you think that ghosts would be considered a gas?”

“Yes,” Kel answered.

“No,” Aubrey answered.

“...Please don’t fight over this…” Hero silently begged.

“We won’t.” They both spoke at the same time. Though Hero knew by the look in their eyes that they were definitely going to fight about this later. Hopefully, after they wake up so he doesn’t have to deal with it…

“Oh my! There is simply no time to admit entry to all these unruly guests!” The mole upfront groaned, “It goes to show we can’t underestimate the popularity of dear Sweetheart.”

The mole turned towards the group, “You there! Servants with ugly faces! The upcoming event has a strict dress code! The chart over there has what we are looking for! It is so simple that even folks you aren’t moles can understand it!”

The group walked over to the board, mildly angry at the fact they were called ugly. They looked at the board to see everything but pink was banned.

“So what do we do with this info?” Hero asked.

“Simple! Bring the lesser guests who aren't following the rules to me. I shall take it from there.” the mole let out a huff, “Now get to it!”

The group quickly obeyed, not wanting to get sent to The Dungeon yet again.

“We’ll start from the bottom and go to the top.” Hero stated. Everyone nodded in agreement with Hero’s words.

Kel walked up to one of the wrong colored moles and opened his mouth. “Ew! Don’t talk to me! You look like a wet dog!” The mole snapped before Kel could even speak.

“...Ow…” Kel muttered feeling sad.

“PFF HAHAHA!” Aubrey laughed in Kel’s face.

“Oh, shut up!” Kel stuck his tongue out at her.

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