Exiting the Last Resort. Going to the highway.

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“Oh! Hey Pluto!” Kel waved with a grin, “Remember us?”

“...Yes.” Pluto nodded, averting his gaze. This must be so awkward for him.

“You two know each other? Weird, but doesn’t matter. Pluto! Take these folks out of my resort!” Jawsome commanded.

“Yes sir.” Pluto nodded again, clashing his fists together that shook the building.

“Use full power! I want them gone as soon as possible!” Jawsome ordered.

“Full power? But sir they-” “I don’t care! Use it!” Jawsome snarled.

“...Yes sir. Sorry kids, it isn’t personal.” Pluto sighed as he flexed with all of his might.

The building shook harder and harder with the floor planks falling off with each rumble. Jawsome didn’t seem to mind though as he only laughed as the room was torn to shreds. Eventually, even Jawsome and his desk disappeared without a trace as the rest of the group looked around in panic. A bright light filled the room as everyone let out a gasp from shock.

They opened their eyes to find they were on a platform, weapons at the ready as the world spun underneath them. Or were they spinning? It was hard to tell how high they were.

A massive ball of light rose in front of them, causing them to squint their eyes just to grasp what in the world they were looking at.

They gasped again as the glow faded and they looked upon Pluto.

Pluto, who was no longer a ball with a face plus arms and legs, but instead a masculine and buff body that was pulsing. His arms were crossed and his face was serious as he stared down at them, knowing they barely had a chance of making it out of this.

“Behold! My final form!” Pluto shouted, his voice booming as if they were in an echoey cave.

“WHAT THE-” Aubrey shouted as Kel looked amazed by Pluto’s new form. Hero was absolutely terrified. His brain filled with only two thoughts.

1. Out of all the things he expected from Sunny’s mind. This and the nightmare creatures weren’t it.


“This is the end!” He yelled as he raised his hands into the sky and- HOLY SHIT WAS THAT A PLANET!?

It was, indeed, a planet being hurled at them. He and Omori took the most from that attack in an attempt to protect Kel and Aubrey who were both distracted by their own thoughts to dodge out of the way,

Hero felt like this was going to be a big battle.


Basil sat on the cold black ground as he stuck another seed in the ground. He doesn’t know where the seeds came from but it was something to keep his hands busy.

Apparently, his dreams are connected to Sunny and the others if he remembers correctly.

He began to ponder if Sunny remembers stabbing him in the pink castle. Maybe that wasn’t even Sunny, perhaps it was someone disguised as him.

He remembers Mari, telling him the words he had always told himself.

“Everything will be okay.”

Every moment those words have been uttered they have led him to nothing but torture.

He heard footsteps approach from behind as he quickly turned around. He saw himself again.

The shadow him.

“Hello again, Basil.” The stranger waved before sitting down next to him.

“What do you want…” Basil avoided the being’s eyes.

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