Underwater Highway

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They only had to walk a bit forward to spot another toll on the road with a familiar face standing nearby.

“Isn’t that Sweetheart?” Aubrey whispered, staring at the girl who seemed to be mumbling to herself.

“Wasn’t she with Spaceboy? What is she doing here?” Kel asked.

“Don’t know. Don’t care. Let’s move people.” Hero sighed as he turned to walk the other way. The group followed him, making their way to the construction site entrance.

Sweetheart turned around and her eyes landed on the group, “Oh great, you four again.”

“We’re not planning on bothering you. Continue doing...whatever you plan on doing.” Aubrey dismissively waved her hand at the girl.

“Wh- Come on! I even made a dramatic spiel about my life if I ever saw you, twerps, again!” Sweetheart groaned.

“Not interested. We’re busy looking for our friend Basil.” Hero stated firmly.

“Bah- fine. Miss out on my long speech! I am going to go to the sea witches!” Sweetheart stuck out her tongue and left the scene.

“So do you want to pay the toll or…?” Aubrey trailed off, motioning to the construction site.

“Construction site.” Everyone nodded as they entered the site.

The walk through the site was eventful for sure. First off, clams with biceps coming out of them. Aubrey didn’t know how to feel about them but it sure was creative. There was also the bunny fish which they all found absolutely adorable. They found a cave and walked into it, greeted with bright colors and coral.

“Let me guess. You are going this way to skip the toll right? That’s understandable, clams are valuable.” A random stranger smiled at them, “You wanna pay the last toll though. Trust me, it will be worth it.”

They nodded and continued to roam. Though Aubrey felt off as if eyes were watching her.

Calling her.

She turned around and was greeted with air.

...Perhaps it was her imagination.




They walked into a room filled with clams.

“Caw! Musical clams! Show your support! Caw!” A bird called out.

They inspected the clams and when touched the clams played a melody. Some were beautiful and some were off but still trying their best. Hero had to give them some good support. At least they are trying.

Leaving the clam room, the group looked around a bit more. Grabbing items and fighting enemies they managed to find a way out.

They stepped out and were about to continue their search when they heard a laugh from above.

It was Sweetheart with a mischievous grin looking down on them, whipping out her umbrella and using it to glide across the ocean.

“Oh, come on! Cheater!” Kel shouted at her as she only laughed at their luck.

The group sighed as they continued making their way forward.

Hero only took a few steps before feeling a chill down his spine.

“Hero! Can...hear....please!

Was somebody whispering to him?

He looked around and was greeted with nothingness.

How odd…


They made their way through the site and were greeted by Mari who waved them over with a bright smile.

“Hello everyone! How are you?” She asked, tilting her head.

“Doing good, how about you?” Kel grinned.

“Oh! I am doing good! Do you want some food to heal up?” She asked, motioning to the platter.

“Yes please.” The group smiled.

Those fights back there weren’t easy at all. If food was their reward then they’ll take it.

They made their way down and looked to their right. Immediately they felt a slight twinge of fear as they stared into the darkness.

They were at the end of the highway.

...They decided to go left instead and made their way down. They found a clam that was wide open and-

...another fuzz.

Kel and the others stared at it for a bit before making their way forward.

Omori reached out and grabbed it and it left a hole in the ground. Seeing Omori nod to himself also stated the fuzzies was a good one.

Omori moved to touch the hole before he jumped back as Something raised from the ground. Aubrey immediately went to swing at it but it disappeared before she got the chance.

“Darn. I was close that time.” Aubrey groaned.

Kel let out a sigh as he and the group made their way back to Mari.

He swears he hears a whisper.


“Kel. Don’t...he...lies.”


Omori wasn’t an idiot.

He and the others were making their way to Humphrey. He played this song many times.

They should be forgetting about Basil yet they remember.

Because they are real.

Unlike Basil who is mentally weak from what he had to endure it was going to be harder to remove the real from the fake.

...Didn’t mean he wasn’t going to try.

He will make them-


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