We are almost there.

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They continue forward, their footsteps echoing across the ocean floor. The bridge to Humphry is a short one but for Omori, he had one thought on his mind.

To make them forget.

The group made it to the end of their walk and they looked out to the vast void. It was normally this part of the song the characters would once again forget what they are meant to do.

It was normally the part where the progress began.

...It was time to take a shot.


Hero stared into the void ahead of him. The others were with him, doing the same and taking in the sight. It was a beautiful one, one that could easily put anyone at ease with a look.

However, he couldn’t relax.

He felt it. A presence lurking over them. It was almost as strong as that shadow being that has been following them. It was different though like it was a mix of calm and malice.

“Ĭ̶̘ẗ̵͉ ̴͙̓ȋ̴͙s̸͇̈ ̴̳́t̵̖̓ḭ̶͗m̵̩͐e̷̥͋ ̷͛͜t̷̼͝o̸̬͐ ̵̻̑f̴̱̈́ō̴̳r̴͖̅ǧ̸̠e̶͙ẗ̵̜.̷͔͒”

Hero turned his head quickly and so did everyone else. Did they all hear that?

“Did any of you hear that?” Aubrey asked, confirming that they all heard the voice.

“I did! What was that?” Kel looked around.

“I don’t know. We should be careful.” Hero continued to scan the area with his eyes.

His eyes landed on Omori who seemed to be staring right at him.

Omori immediately shifted his gaze away and walked to the mini-whirlpool in the ground. He made the motion for everyone to follow him.

The whirlpool led them to another room filled with plants and water falling in from the ceiling. The sight would be beautiful if he didn’t feel woozy all of the sudden.

He wasn’t the only one, he could tell. Kel and Aubrey were fighting to stay upright. Was this an effect from the whirlpool or…

He looked at Omori who was walking just fine. He moved to another whirlpool and the group followed.

It teleported them to an area with glass stairs. Omori grabbed Kel’s hand who latched onto Aubrey’s. Aubrey reached out to Hero and Hero grasped on, being pulled by Omori up the stairs. Why isn’t he affected?

“Ṙ̷͉e̶̱͝l̸̻̔a̴̳x̴̖̑.̵̤̕ ̶̞̔Y̸̳̔ȍ̴̞ư̶̖'̸̝̊r̸̮̅ẹ̷̅ ̴̧̕m̷̩͂a̶̪̅k̴͓͝i̸̤͆n̴͔̋g̵̥̉ ̵̟̍ţ̷̒h̵͔̐i̸̛̮s̶̩̚ ̵̺͛h̶͔̑a̶͚̚r̵̬͝d̴͔̚.̶̳̽”

“That voice is back!” Kel complained, looking for the source.

“Is he doing this?” Aubrey muttered under her breath.

A creature nearby overheard and laughed, gaining the attention of everyone, “Your memories are not free. To gain a memory, another must be shrouded. And yet, all memories will eventually fade. Perhaps you now just noticed, the curse of Deeper Well.”

“The curse of Deeper Well?” Kel rubbed his head that was beginning to ache.

Hero took a deep breath and began to process what the creature just said.

...Was he implying that they forgot something? Or was something trying to make them forget?

“S̴̰͝i̷̱͊l̸͓̋e̴̱̚ń̶̬c̷̬̐é̸ͅ ̵̻y̶̞͗ǫ̸̈u̷͚͊r̴͍̓ ̴̜̂t̴͇h̵̩ơ̶̧ủ̸͔g̷̰͋h̵͇̔t̴̖s̸̤̊.̶̨͑ ̸̜̀F̸̜͠o̸̧̚r̴̘͑g̶̲͆e̶̛͇ẗ̵̤́.̴̣̔”

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