A prevention

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They split the tasks in between each other. Hero is washing the dishes, Kel is cleaning the house, and Aubrey is going to sort with Sunny.

There were barely any dishes to begin with. Only about ten plates laid in the sink with a few forks and knives with them. Hero felt like someone shot him. Sunny was barely eating. The only one that looked recent was the one that looked like it had cold chunks of steak attached to it. He also noticed that there were wine glasses in it as well. It hurt to look at.

He picked up the dishes and began washing them. Covering them with barely used soap and wiping the chunks of the plate with ease. He began putting them away inboxes.


His eyes quickly landed on the one that was filled with utensils.

The one that was currently missing a knife.


He quickly placed down the fork he was holding and ran upstairs as fast as he could, startling Kel who was cleaning the floor.

He quickly opened the door to Sunny’s room only to see Aubrey putting the toys away.

“Hero? What’s wrong? You looked panicked.” Aubrey quickly got up after putting a toy car in one of the boxes.

“Sunny...he still has the knife.” Hero muttered.

“Oh, shit.” Aubrey’s eyes widened in panic.

“Yeah, do you know where he went?” Hero asked.

“He said he was going to use the bathroom.” She stated.

Hero quickly nodded and ran out of the room, quickly going to the bathroom door and knocking.

“Hey, Sunny! Are you in there?” Hero yelled.

There was no response.

“Why are you checking the bathroom for Sunny? He told me he was going outside for some air.” Kel asked the duo, slowly walking up the stairs to see what they were doing.

“He’s outside!?” Hero quickly bolted past Kel who was still confused as he made his way to the front door.

“ Wrong door. The other one. ”

Hero stopped as soon as he heard Mari’s voice whisper behind him. He suppressed a shiver and immediately turned around and ran to the sliding door.

His hands felt numb as he grabbed the handle and threw it open.

Sunny was standing there, the moonlight shining on him.

He was facing a tree stump. A tree stump that Hero knew all too well.

That was where the tree was.

The one where Mari hung herself.

He didn’t have time to think about that though. There was a more pressing issue on hand.

He had to save Sunny.



Hero’s voice cut through the air as Sunny jumped at the sound of his voice. His hands began to slightly tremble. He held the knife close to his chest in hopes Hero didn’t see it.

“Oh, sorry...did I disturb you? I just...wanted some air” He asked, slightly turning around to face Hero.

“Hand it over. Please.” Hero’s eyes softened when the boy met his gaze.

Sunny’s face was covered with shock before he looked down in shame. So Hero noticed the knife was missing...he should have waited until later. Now he was causing his friends to worry. What a wonderful friend he was.

“You’re just one big burden.”

His mother’s drunk voice rang in his head. He shivered slightly, fidgeting with the knife in his hand.

It would be so easy to just end it all. The truth isn’t worth it…

After all, what if it is the reason Mari killed herself? What if the truth is her death being his fault? He shouldn’t live. He was an awful sibling to her.

Hero suddenly put a hand on his shoulder, snapping him out of his thoughts. He doesn’t want his friends to worry about him. They shouldn’t suffer like this.

Looking Hero in the eyes he could see that tears were falling. Why was he crying? He shouldn’t be crying. Sunny just wants everyone to be happy. Sunny looked back at the knife that he was holding onto tightly.

Hero put out his other hand, waiting for Sunny to give him the knife. Waiting for Sunny to continue on living.

Sunny slowly handed it over to him, placing the knife in his hand. Hero looked relieved though his face saddened when he saw Sunny look away in disappointment.

“Sorry….” He whispered.

Hero quickly wrapped his arms around Sunny as he held him tightly to his chest.

“We’ll get through this...trust me, okay?” Hero whispered into his ear.

Kel and Aubrey, who have been watching in silence, walked over and joined in as well. Their hold was tight yet surprisingly comfortable.

Sunny trembled in their arms but he refused to shed any tears.

He shouldn’t shed his tears. He doesn’t deserve to. He is an awful person.

He knew the voices were right. They always were. They have only spoken the truth since Sunny began hearing them.

He felt his throat tighten and his eyes stung but not a single tear was shed.

The same couldn't be said for the others. Kel was latched onto Sunny, holding him tightly and feeling stupid for leaving him alone. Hero was silently sobbing, thinking about what could have happened if he didn’t remember the knife. Aubrey felt awful for not picking up signs sooner.

Sunny let out a sigh. Perhaps he can continue living on, for them.

He felt like it was going to be a long night ahead of them. Despite feeling like he didn’t deserve it, he allowed himself to relax in their arms.

It was peaceful...but it couldn’t last forever.

The group broke apart, sniffles being the only sound in the air.

No one knew what to say. No one knew what to do.

Hero kept Sunny close to him as they walked back inside.

“Sunny, do you want to help me out with the dishes?” he asked.

“...Sure.” Sunny nodded. It was the least he could do to make them feel better.

Kel and Aubrey watched them enter the kitchen before turning to each other.

“That...that was a close one….” Aubrey muttered.

“We should keep an eye on him….” Kel silently agreed.

They couldn’t lose anyone else. Not again.


Basil sat next to Polly outside the hospital room. His eyes were begging to close but he wouldn’t let them. Each time he does he feels like his body would disintegrate into ash again.

“I regret to inform you that she doesn’t have much time left. If you would like, one of you can stay the night.” The doctor spoke.

Basil looked to Polly who gave him a short nod.

He turned back to the doctor with small tears in his eyes, “I’ll stay.”

“Very well. We’ll bring you anything you need.” His voice was filled with sorrow and empathy.

Basil wished the doctor didn’t feel bad. It wasn’t his fault his grandma was dying. It was the universe's cruel way of forcing him to stay alive long enough to see her pass. It hurts to know that she was passing, though it wasn’t too bad.

He was going to join her and Mari soon.

It was only a matter of time.

Then everyone could be happy.

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