Last Resort pt2

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They continued searching the whole first floor, coming up empty-handed with nothing but “sorry, haven’t seen him.” It was getting to the point that even Hero was becoming fed up with the search.

“Should we begin checking the other floors?” Aubrey asked as they continued to find absolutely nothing.

“Yeah, I am beginning to think that there is nothing as well….” Hero agreed.

“There are elevators over there! We might find something on the other floors!” Kel pointed to the elevators,

“Alright. Let’s go then.” Hero nodded.

The group walked over and pressed the button to head up. One of the elevators opened and the group stepped inside to be hit with the smell of perfume and smoke cigars. Clearly, this elevator was used by tons of people before. To help ensure that statement Mari was in the elevator as well, seafood and picnic basket by her side.

As if the universe wasn’t torturing them enough, she gave them a bright smile when she saw them and it caused Hero to get an emotional whiplash. Kel averted his eyes and Aubrey looked like she wanted to scream again.

“Hello everyone! How has the search been?” She asked innocently, not noticing the pain everyone was feeling.

“Stupid emotions! Stop. Feeling. Sad. Over. A. Dream!” Hero berated himself mentally.

“The search has been...bad to be honest. Not that much info…” Kel sighed, answering Mari’s question before anyone else.

“Oh! I mean, you can check the other floors of this place if you wish. I don’t think you can reach the boss without a keycard for the elevator though…” Mari nervously trails off.

“Guess we’ll check the rest of the floors then.” Hero sighed.

Omori walked to the elevator buttons and pressed the first button he saw. They felt the elevator move downwards before stopping. The doors opened to show they were on floor B1. The only person there was a blue blob that slid across the floor. Hero walked to the blob and cleared his throat.

“Hello there, have you perhaps seen our friend Basil?” Hero asked.

“Nope! Sorry, Burpmo hasn’t seen anyone with that name.” Burpmo replied, sliding in another direction just because he can.

Hero let out a sigh. Of course, still no sign of anyone knowing Basil.

The floor also had a door that had a little hole for the group to peak into. The room was filled with gators who all seemed to be on break.

“How much do you want to bet that none of them know Basil?” Aubrey asked the group.

“Kel. Do not take that bet cause I can assure you none of these people have seen Basil.” Hero groaned.

“Even if they had, I don’t think their memory is good enough to remember…” Aubrey pointed to the two gators in the room near the microwave.

“Hey dude, is your food done?” One asked.

“No. This is the third time I told you!” The other one growled.

“Okay, okay...jeez.” The first gator walked away before nearly immediately doing a U-turn, “Hey dude, is your food done?”

“Ask me that one more time I swear to god-” “Yep, definitely not the brightest….” Kel agreed as he watched the scene play out.

“Let’s go to the next floor, someone might be able to help us there.” Hero sighed as the group walked back to the elevator.

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