Vs Masked Hero and other shit

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Sunny slowly opened his eyes to feel sunlight on his face. He sat up, his hands warming thanks to the pavement of the street.


He had woken up in the middle of an intersection. That wasn’t good at all. He could get hit by a car!

He quickly made his way onto the sidewalk and out of the street and let out a sigh of relief. That was a close one.

...Why was he here again?

Well, he recognized the area. Perhaps if he went home he would remember.


“You thought you could escape me? Sorry, that isn’t happening anytime soon.”

The fake Hero’s voice sounded oddly polite, like someone trying to sell you something they know doesn’t work.

“Huh?” Hero looked at the copy just as confused as Basil was.

“We are you. You are us. You can’t keep us away forever.”

Masked Basil stared daggers at Basil and Hero who both seemed to be thinking about something.

Masked Hero summoned a frying pan to his side and pointed it at Hero threateningly. Hero summoned his own while the Basil’s summoned their shears.

Two vs two.

The best they could do is hope for the best.


The ambulance ride was long and tiring. Kim and Aubrey were covered in Sunny’s blood and when paramedics tried to ask what happened the others refused to speak. Kim had begun to regret not waking up Vance before leaving. Oh well, she’ll shoot him a text later. Right now she was busy calming down Aubrey who seemed to be staring at the floor like it stabbed her best friends.

She hoped she was doing well, rubbing circles on Aubrey’s back in a soothing manner as Kel seemed more focused on his unconscious brother. Kel may not be Kim’s favorite person but he didn’t deserve this.

She looked at Basil who was covered in blood that clearly wasn’t his. She wasn’t that blind. One of the first things she noticed was the bloody shears in Basil’s hand. Thinking of it, she saw him at the lake only a few moments before holding those shears. He seemed nervous and skittish at the time, not like he was planning a homicide.

Maybe he wasn’t planning a homicide. Maybe he was planning something else.

Alright, thinking like that was making her feel like shit. Maybe she did push him a bit hard. He didn’t deserve it.

Her eyes finally landed on Sunny, the boy who seemed to enjoy minding his own business. She could respect that. Sunny didn’t do anything wrong these past few days. He just seemed to be going with the flow. Now he had his eye brutally stabbed out by the kid she thought couldn’t hurt a fly.

It was weird how the world works.

Aubrey and Kel looked exhausted and Kim let out a sigh, “You two should get some rest. You look like you could pass out any second.”

Kel let out a groan while Aubrey decided to stare harder at the floor.

Yeah, maybe recommending that was stupid.

She just hoped she could get answers soon.


The sound of metal hitting metal was loud and made Hero’s ears ring. He didn’t let up his attack though the masked version of himself only moved faster and faster. He didn’t know how Basil was doing but the lack of blood-curdling screams made him think he was okay.

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