Vs Masked Basil and some other shit

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Basil felt like he was torn in half. He swears that he just started and ended a conversation with someone, in fact, he remembers feeling like he was embraced in a hug. Yet here he also was, fighting with a masked version of himself that seemed to be pissed off. He was going to help Hero until he stood back up again and fought harder than he did before. Basil was a little jealous, he wasn’t going to lie.

Wait shit, he needed to block!


That was a close one.

“You’re distracted. Can’t you ever focus on a single thing?”

The masked version of Basil taunted.

Basil rolled his eyes, trying not to let what he was saying get to him.

“Admit it. Right now, you’re scared of losing.”

Of course, he was scared of losing! If he lost then this thing was going to kill Sunny!

“Thing? How rude. Did you forget I am a part of your mind? I am you and you are me.”

Basil didn’t have time to think as he dodged a slash from the enemy.

“You know, I wonder how much longer you are going to use fear as an excuse to hideaway. In truth, we’re pissed. How many times have you wished to beat the shit out of Aubrey for hurting you? How many times have you gotten rid of that feeling by saying you deserved what she does?”

“Shut up.” Basil hissed out as he tried to attack.

Masked Basil wasn’t taking any of Basil’s shit. He dodged and grabbed his arm before violently twisting it.


Basil pulled back his arm and held it close.

“I am tired of hiding behind fear. We always do so. Our anxiety basically controls us. When will you ever not listen to it? In fact, you were too scared to finish the job and get rid of Something!”

Hero seemed to be listening in by this point by how loud Masked Basil was yelling.

“Get rid of Something?” He muttered before quickly having to avoid his masked self.

“S-Stop!” Basil begged.

“No! I want to not be afraid! We are afraid of everything! Unless we are told by someone we trust we wouldn’t even touch a knife in fear we would cut our finger! You’re a coward! Admit it!”

Basil felt tears stream down his face. Masked Basil was right. He was a coward. He couldn’t save Sunny himself without giving up. Hell, he might as well be scared of his own shadow.

“If I had control, we wouldn’t need to be afraid. All fear would disappear. Just give me control.”

Basil grit his teeth. He knows if he gives control over Sunny would get killed. Something would then disappear. But did Something even exist in the first place?

Something...Basil swore he saw Something on the day Mari died. It took control of Sunny and made him kill her. Then it took over him again while at his house and made him scribble out Basil’s beloved photos. It couldn’t have been Something. Sunny was too kind to do any of that. It only made sense that Something kept Sunny from leaving his house for four years.

But...what if he was wrong. That scared him. Something not existing. This whole time he had made it up and Sunny had done all of that. Sunny clearly regretted what he did if so. Locking himself away as punishment. If Something didn’t exist….

That was Basil’s true fear. He feared that he was wrong and Sunny did everything. It...It made sense. That would mean that he made up Something and used it to torment himself and Sunny.

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