A mini break

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“You failed him. You’re the reason why he is dead.”

Aubrey felt tears roll down her face as she looked at Sunny’s corpse on the ground. He was surrounded by blood and his knife was lying in front of him.

Hero and Kel were looking at her disapprovingly. Their glare was harsh and filled with rage.

It scared her.

“You should die as well. Who would want to be your friend? You’re the reason he’s dead.”

“Nonononononono-! This can’t be happening...I never wanted this!” She screamed.

The blood was moving next to her feet, staining her shoes as tears continued to fall off her face.

Hero and Kel were laughing at her misery as the voice from above continued to speak.

“You let him out of your sight. You let him walk to his death. You should join him.”

Basil joined in, glaring at her with disbelief that she would do this to one of her best friends.

“You’re an awful person.”

“I’m...I’m sorry….” She cried but no one heard her.

The ground underneath her began to shake as she tried to regain her balance.

It collapsed, leaving her to free fall into a dark void.

Sunny’s knife also fell into the hole. She looked up right as it plunged itself right into her chest.

It hurts. It hurts so bad.

She felt her body hit the floor with a loud thud.

She woke up.


Hero heard a loud thud in the living room and ran in to investigate only to see Aubrey on the floor. Tears were streaming down her face as she softly sniffled into the blanket that Hero put on her.

“Aubrey? Are you okay?” He asked softly.

“...No….” She answered, slowly sitting up.

“Do you want to talk about it?” He tilted his head as he offered his hand to help her up.

She took it, pulling herself up with ease, “I….” She trailed off nervously before looking Hero in the eyes.

“What would you have done if Sunny...when he almost….” Aubrey couldn’t finish the sentence but Hero understood what she meant.

“I have...no idea what I would have done. I’ve been thinking about it as well, you’re not alone.” He put a hand on her shoulder and tried to give an encouraging smile.

“I...I know, it’s just- so much is happening and there is so much of everything. I just...I just wish everything would go back to being okay….” She muttered.

“I understand. Sadly, I don’t think that’s going to happen anytime soon. The least we can do is see the good in bad situations. For example, at least he is still with us.” He sighed.

“Yeah...Yeah, you’re right. Thanks, Hero, you’re living up to your name.” She softly laughed.

“That’s what I do. Can you wake the others up? Breakfast is almost done.” He smiled.

“Sure, as long as I get most of the bacon because I know Kel isn’t sharing.” She moved to Sunny, slightly shaking him awake.

Hero let out another sigh before walking into the kitchen.

He set up breakfast just the way everyone liked it. Hopefully, they can continue to have a normal morning.

Surprisingly, they did.

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