Beginning of the truth.

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The fight was going nowhere. No matter how much Aubrey swung the creature would always dodge. It didn’t help that the spotlight turned off and no one could see anything.

Aubrey tried to focus but she couldn’t find out where that demon went.

Then she spotted something. It was blurry and swinging lightly in the air despite the fact there was no wind.

Sunny looked scared at the sight but calmed down a bit when Kel put a hand on his shoulder.

They all focused, trying to make out what it was.

She immediately regretted it.

It was Mari, hanging from above. Her body was slightly moving in the wind, rocking back and forth.

Yet for some reason, Aubrey felt like her life was in danger.

“Calm down and persist!”

Mari’s voice echoed in her head.

Taking a deep breath Aubrey prepared herself in time for an unseeable attack.

It hurt. It hurt a shit ton. The others got hit as well yet they persisted. They weren’t going down until they found out the truth.

The body continued to throw attacks, each stronger than the next. Aubrey didn’t know how much longer she could last. Her legs were shaking and breathing hurt.

“One more hit. You got this!”

Aubrey braced herself for the last blow. It hit her right in the head, nearly knocking her down.

Mari’s body disappeared and the spotlight came back yet the one-eyed creature was nowhere near. Well, at least the pain she was feeling was gone so that is a plus.

On the ground laid a lightbulb that was undamaged. Picking it up, Sunny put it into his pocket. It’s probably going to be important later.

The spotlight suddenly became blinding, filling up the room with a bright light. Opening her eyes, Aubrey found they were outside on a path. She looked behind them only to find the way had been covered with a thick layer of fog. Up ahead, however, was a gate with a photo laying nearby.

Hero walked over to the photo and picked it up, “It’s a photo of a tree….”

“Why is it in black and white?” Kel asked.

“Maybe it’s an old photo,” Aubrey shrugged.

Sunny looked at the photo before his eyes widened, “It looks...familiar to me…”

“Oh? Would you like the photo then?” Hero asked.

Sunny nodded and Hero handed it over as Kel’s eyes widened, “Oh, wait! Do you think that photo could be part of the truth?”

“Huh? What do you mean?” Aubrey asked.

“I mean, what if these photos are part of what Sunny forgot? Maybe that is why it is familiar!” Kel grinned.

“Huh, that does make sense. Nice job using your brain for once Kel!” Aubrey chuckled.

“Thanks- hey, wait!” Kel glared at her.

“Guys, no fighting. This is serious.” Hero sighed.

“Yeah, yeah, I know….” Kel rolled his eyes.

The gates opened and the group continued forward until they reached another gate with another photograph.

Sunny was the one who went to pick it up this time, looking over the photo.

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