Pyrefly Forest Pt3

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The group silently walked back, the man’s words swimming in all of their heads. Hero bit his lip. If his theory was right then Sunny is Omori, making them the dreamer. Hero’s only questions are how did he enter Sunny’s mind? Why did Sunny create this world in his head? Is everyone else aware as well?

Hero let out a quiet sigh, out of all the things to get wrapped into it had to be his old childhood friend’s weird brain.

...Okay maybe weird brain was a bit rude, creative would be the right word.

He honestly hoped Sunny was doing okay in the real world though, cause what the man said about the darkness lurking underneath, might be bad news.

The group made their way up the tracks only for Kel to run into a boulder blocking the way.

“Ouch! Stupid rock, now I am going to get a headache…” Kel grumbled.

“Well, that will teach you to be more careful!” Aubrey scolded.

“Please don’t fight right now. Is there another way?” Hero asked.

Omori did a quick scan around before shaking his head no. Hero groaned to himself and Kel turned towards Aubrey, “Hey, maybe you can break it!”

“...Kel I couldn’t break a block of cheese the last time we were here, what makes you think I can break a boulder?” Aubrey asked.

“Weird logic of this land. Can you at least try? I will give you anything you want if you do!” Kel bargained.

“Ugh, fine.” Aubrey sighed and spun her doll around a couple of times before smashing it into the rock.

Surprising no one, the rock didn’t break.

“Told ya. Now, I want my ten dollars back.” Aubrey grinned.

“What!?” Kel yelled in shock.

“I mean, it isn’t like you used it already...right?” Aubrey tilted her head.

“...” Kel nervously turned away and began whistling.

“OH COME ON!” Aubrey stomped her feet aggressively before taking a deep breath, “Now you owe me twenty. That is final.”

“What!? Hey, come on! I don’t even know if I have twenty dollars in my house.” Kel grumbled the last part out to himself.

“Gee Kel sounds like a personal problem.” She stuck out her tongue at him.

“What did I just say about fighting?” Hero rubbed his forehead, feeling more exhausted than he already was.

“Sorry, bro…” Kel apologized, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

Omori looked at the group with curiosity for a bit before looking down. He then proceeded to walk back the way they came, making another motion for everyone to follow him. Hero and the others obeyed as they walked back to the minecart at the entrance.

“Oh! We can use this as a ram!” Kel’s face glowed in excitement.

“Alright, everybody in one at a-” Everyone already hopped in before Hero could finish speaking. He groaned and hopped in as well, once again becoming cramped by Kel and Aubrey taking up most of the space. Omori pushed the cart a bit forward and the group was off.

Once again it began slow but as they continued it quickened its pace, eventually slamming straight into the bolder and smashing it to bits. Hero was surprised it didn’t knock the group backward. He was even more surprised when he saw a giant castle in the distance.

Passing under some trees and losing sight of the castle, Hero proceeded to look at Omori. Omori just so happened to be looking at him, almost as if he was trying to read Hero’s movements.

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