Last Resort pt1

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When Hero heard the words Last Resort the first thought on his mind was a hotel of some sort. What he wasn’t expecting was a whole casino in the ocean. The fact it also had a bunch of construction equipment surrounding it says the building wasn’t even finished yet. Was this even safe to enter?

What grabbed his attention the most however was the picnic blanket nearby. Mari was sitting on top like normal.

As if they haven’t just talked to her.

She looked at them and gave them a warm smile, one that made Hero’s heartache. Why was she still here? Didn’t she just disappear in front of them? Unless…

“Guys! It is great to see you again! How have you all been?” She asked as if she didn’t know what just happened.

It is because she doesn’t know. This wasn’t the real Mari. It was clear on everyone else's face that they knew that as well.

“We’ve been…alright.” Hero landed on, looking back at the others to see how nervous they were.

“Are you guys okay? You’re acting a bit...weird.” Mari tilted her head curiously.

“W-We are?” Kel looked around nervously.

Aubrey looked like she wanted to scream. If they don’t stop this conversation soon, things might turn south.

After all, this wasn’t their Mari.

Just how long have they been talking to a fake one? How long have they been talking to the real one?

“Um, ah, well we are worried about Basil. We still can’t find him despite looking for a long time.” Hero tried to lie on the spot.

Please buy that. Please buy that. Please buy that. Please buy that-

“Oh yeah, I guess that makes sense. Poor Basil, I hope he is okay…” Mari muttered looking almost worried as they felt.

“Y-yeah we are just worried about him. That’s all.” Kel backed up the lie. Nervously twiddling his thumbs.

Aubrey didn’t dare open her mouth.

“I understand. I believe in you guys though! You’ll find Basil soon, don’t worry!” She smiled again.

“Thanks, Mari.” Hero smiled at her back though it felt like someone shot him while doing so.

It hurt. It hurts so much.

He quickly turned and walked quickly with the others into the casino.

“Where is the nearest place I can scream?” Aubrey muttered as they entered, getting a slight blast of heat through the vents.

“I heard someone wanted to scream! Now offering these screaming paper bags! Only starting at 30 clams!” Some dude with a crescent head and sunglasses offered with a grin.

“...I’ll wait till I can find a bathroom or something…” Aubrey backed away from the man as he sighed and walked away, grumbling to himself.

Hero walked to the front desk, nervously looking around, “H-Hello, um, have you seen our friend? He has green hair and wears a flower crown.”

“Nose goes?” The accountant tilted their head.

“...Huh?” Hero stared at the being in confusion.

“Nose goes.” It sighed, “Nose goes nose goes.”

“I don’t- I don’t understand.” Hero was more confused.

“Nose goes.” It shrugged.

“...Okay I give up.” Hero walked away with a groan, returning to the group empty-handed.

“We could ask around, for example, there is another gator person there!” Kel pointed to one of the gator guards.

“Worth a shot. Let’s go.” Aubrey nodded as everyone walked over to the gator.

“Hello, sir! We were wondering if you have seen our friend Basil who wears a flower crown and has light green hair.” Hero explained.

“Hmm? A kid with light green hair wearing a flower crown? Haven’t seen em, sorry” The gator shrugged.

“Ah, thanks for your time, sir.” Hero gave a polite smile.

Omori detached from the group for a moment noticing a black fuzz and picking it up. He shook his head to let the others know that it wasn’t a good one.

Hero still wonders what purpose the fuzzies have but it isn’t like Omori will suddenly start speaking to him to explain. Oh well, they might find out later. Right now they needed to find Basil.

He walks up to another gator and asks if he has seen Basil, gets told they haven’t, and moves on to the next person. This lasted for a while, with bickering from Aubrey and Kel from the background. Kel was trying to play the slot machines and Aubrey was the only one trying to stop him.

Eventually, they did find a bathroom. They wonder how they missed it because it was in plain sight.

Omori walked into the men’s room with Hero and Kel. Aubrey had to wait outside for obvious reasons.

The bathroom was alright, with a bit of graffiti but that is normal. A gator seemed to be washing his hands in the sink. Before Hero could ask him the same question to get inevitably told “nope” Omori walked into a cell and grabbed another black fuzz.

It must have been a good one because another hole appeared in the ground.

“Should I grab Aubrey?” Kel asked the group nervously.

“No. If anything this might just be nothing important. If it is, we’ll inform her.” Hero stated.

Kel nodded as all of them took a few steps back before leaping into the hole.

They fell in an area filled with bubbles, all rising and even bumping into each other.

They continued falling until a giant head rose beside them, its mouth gaping open and eyes empty. It seemed to have multiple teeth as well, sharp and ready to crunch down on whatever entered its mouth.

Kel and Hero let out a scream at the sight before their vision turned black.

They blinked and the next thing they knew they were back in the bathroom. The gator was gone though, seemingly did everything he had to do beforehand.

They walked out of the bathroom and Aubrey immediately shot them concerned looks, “What happened? You guys look really pale!”

“Found another fuzz. Fuzz equals holes for us to jump down. Giant head with teeth. Fear.” Kel explained in short sentences.

“That explains a lot.” Aubrey sighed, rubbing the back of her head.

“We should- We should probably continue looking for Basil.” Hero sighed.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Let the hunt commence.

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