Pyrefly Forest Pt1

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Needless to say, Hero had been feeling off all day. It began with the weird dream about needing to find Basil, then when he found out what the violin meant in a dream and deduced what it could have possibly been since it was broken he was on an edge of some kind.

At one point the feeling of dread raised so high in his stomach that his colleagues were concerned about how pail he was getting. He assured them that he was fine and just needed some rest.

He also began seeing figures, mainly the dream beings from last night. He just assumed he needed to get some sleep.

The feeling of dread grew even more during the day. It even got to the point where he felt woozy and almost threw up because of it. Then it randomly left as if it was never there. Hero still doesn’t understand what happened.

Maybe he should go see a doctor when he arrives in Faraway tomorrow, hopefully, his parents wouldn’t mind that.

He set up his bed for the night and stared at the ceiling. He wonders if he will have a continuation of his dream last night. He sure hoped not, they always begin so nice but end so horribly. Maybe he can try to wake himself up before everything turns south but how would he manage to do that?

He would try getting beaten up a lot but that just sounds unpleasant and he also learned that he turns into toast when too badly damaged so that isn’t going to work.

He pulled the covers over himself and just prayed to whatever god out there that exists to not give him the dream.


You know what? He should have expected the gods liked feeding off his suffering. Why? Cause he is back in the colorful room with Kel and Aubrey.

“Hey, Aubrey! I forgot to say this earlier but thanks for the money!” Kel smiled at her.

“Whatever, I just wanted you out of my sight.” Aubrey groaned.

“Did I miss something?” Hero decided to ask, lost on what they are talking about.

“Yeah, Aubrey gave me ten bucks for giving me a critical while fighting the windows downloader.” Kel looked over to Aubrey who rolled her eyes.

“Huh.” That was all Hero had to say in response to that.

The white door creaked open and out came Omori, still looking a lot like Sunny. Hero still felt like an idiot for not recognizing Omori as Sunny before Mari brought up him being her little brother.

Who knows, maybe when he visits Faraway he could convince Sunny to come out of his house.

Omori walked over and sat down next to them.

“Hey, Omori! Guess who just gave me ten dollars!” Kel grinned.

Omori simply pointed over to Aubrey who rolled her eyes yet again, “Seriously Kel, getting ten dollars isn’t much.”

“Yeah I know, I just like bragging.” Kel laughed.

“So are we all ready to begin searching for Basil...again?” Hero asked as he got up.

Everyone followed suit by getting up and nodding.

“We should go see Mari first, right? She might know something.” Aubrey suggested.

“That would be a good idea.” Hero nodded in agreement.

“Alright! Onwards to Mari!” Kel ran up the stairs quickly before stopping, “Wait, she is at the park right?”

Omori gave him a quick nod with a thumbs up.

“Sweet, thanks, Omori!” Kel ran outside the stump.

“We better catch up to him…” Hero sighed as he and Aubrey ran after him.

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